Chapter 45 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

2 months. It took us 2 goddamn months to finally track them down and I'm not wasting another minute in bringing her back.

Even if I have to risk my life, even if I have to fucking die for her, I will. Because even though I never experienced love before I know damn well what I feel for her is stronger than any emotion, any feeling I have ever felt.

What I feel for her is stronger than all the hatred I had for this world. Because when I'm with her, everything seems tolerable. Her smile and her melodious laugh makes everything easy. And I will do anything to get that back. Anything.

Right now I'm driving to my warehouse where all my men are ready and waiting for an attack. I've been waiting for this day, to get a hold of Robert.

Ever since I was old enough to realize how far I'd go to tear that man down, I've been dreaming of the day I get to skin him alive. To avenge my parents.

But now it's not just to avenge them, he fucking dare harm her and I have no mercy for someone like him.

But killing him is not my priority tonight, it's her. Her safety is my priority. And I'll go to any fucking lengths to make sure she's safe.

And once she's safe with me, I will make him regret ever messing with him. He will regret ever being fucking born. That's a promise.

Pulling to the warehouse I walked out of the car and into the building.

"Everyone's ready brother" Derek informed me as I entered the room filled with my men and they all bowed down in respect.

Giving Derek a nod I walked and stood in front of them and pulled out my phone, put on her picture, and faced the screen towards them so they could see it.

"She is your priority and you kill anyone who comes in your way with no hesitation" I started.

"If any of you find her, do not wait for me or anyone, just take her directly to safety and immediately contact me. And if any of you try to double-cross me, I will kill you myself. And I promise I will make it painful" I finished and fear flashed in their eyes as they all nodded.

"Derek you come with me, Oliver you stay with Eric" I said turning to look him dead in the eyes and fear flashed in them but he soon covered it.

"I don't trust you, so you better watch it" I muttered before walking out with Derek right behind me.

Getting in the car I let out a deep breath.

"We will get her tonight brother, I know we will" Derek spoke, getting in the passenger seat and I started the engine pulling the car into the driveway, with my men following me right behind.


After a while of driving, I finally reached the destination, an abandoned 3-story building.

"You sure this is the right place?" I spoke to Oliver in the earpiece.

"I'm sure Xavier. She is there" he replied and I got out of the car inspecting the area as Derek too got out, loading up his gun.

It's been a few minutes since we reached and there's no sign of them or anyone else, Oliver and the others still hadn't catched up to us and my patience was wearing thin with every passing second.

"Fuck it, I'm going in" I muttered loading up my gun.

"But the others aren't here yet Xavier, it's not safe for you to go in there all by yourself" Derek stopped me.

"I'm not gonna sit here and wait for them to get here while there's even a fraction of possibility that she's in there" I dead panned and he let out a deep sigh.

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