Chapter 32 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

The next morning I woke up in pain. My whole body was aching. From my head to my back, everything hurts.

Letting out a groan I tried to move, accidentally waking up Xavier and he immediately looked at me alarmed.

"What's wrong doll?" He asked, his voice raspy.

"Just need to use the bathroom" I mumbled looking at him and he released me from his arms and I slowly sat up but my headache was worse than I ever remembered.

Carefully sliding off the bed with Xavier's eyes following my every move, I was on my feet but then everything in my vision began moving so I sat back down.

Immediately I felt a pair of hands hold onto my waist before lifting me. Instinctively wrapping my legs around his waist I rested my head on his chest while he walked towards the bathroom.

Keeping me in his arms he stood in front of the sink and dropped me down so I could wash my face.

Splashing the cold water over my face I felt a slight stinging. Looking myself over in the mirror my eyes watered.

I was a complete mess. My face was half swollen, my lip busted, eyes swelled up from crying that much.

Xavier's hands rubbed my waist soothingly making me rip my eyes off myself and let out a deep sigh.

"Let me know when you're done angel, I'll run you a bath" he said before softly kissing the top of my head and walked out letting me do my business.

After I was done I dragged myself out.

"I'm done" I mumbled softly catching his attention and he walked to me before picking me up bridal style and dropped me on the couch.

"Wait here, I'll get you once the bath is ready" he instructed before walking back into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, he walked out and picked me up again.

"I'll walk" I insisted trying to get off him. He's already doing too much.

"Not while I'm here Doll" he said and sat me on the counter.

Before he began to unbutton my shirt he looked at me as if asking for permission. I was in too much pain to project so I gave him a subtle nod.

As he pulled my shirt off I realised I didn't have any bra on. Immediately wrapping my arms over my bare chest I felt my face go red in embarrassment.

Gently pressing his lips over my forehead he hooked his fingers around the elastic of my panties and pulled them off.

Not daring to look at him in this state I kept my head low until he slide his finger under my chin pushing my face up to look him in the eyes.

The eyes that I was expecting to be looking at me with disgust and hatred held nothing but care and warmth, making me get lost in his deep brown eyes.

Gently lifting me he walked towards the bath. It smelled so good.

Carefully lowering me down into the tub he ran his long fingers through my hair wetting them and I let out a satisfied sigh.

After last night I thought I'd be weary of anyone's touch because that's how I was the first time I was assaulted by him.

But surprisingly I don't seem to want Xavier to leave my side at all. His touch doesn't make me feel violated instead it's the only thing that makes me feel protected and loved.

Grabbing a loofah he put some liquid soap on it before rubbing it ever so softly over my arms and shoulders. Looking at me every now and then to make sure I was okay.

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