Chapter 51 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

I don't how I managed to stay asleep for this long but I didn't wake up until I felt a gentle finger caressing against my face stirring me awake.

Blinking my eyes open my eyes immediately locked in with the pair of warm brown eyes, offering me a sense of warmth and comfort I have been searching for in the night sky but now I realize it's something only he can offer me.

"I'm s-sorry" I mumbled softly when I realized I was all tangled up in him and of course, he wouldn't want that especially when he's sick.

I tried to get away but his arm around me only tightened and he shifted, changing our positions as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I chewed on my lip when I felt his warm breath hit the sensitive skin of my neck and goosebumps shot all over my body.

"Stay" his deep voice came followed by his warm lips pressing up against my skin making me suck in a sharp breath.

His voice wasn't demanding nor was his hold too tight to prevent me from moving. It was more of a request. And I can't lie I liked being in his arms. I felt safe.

I slowly reached my hands up in his hair and he let out a satisfying sigh leaving butterfly kisses all over my neck making my stomach do a double flip.

Not soon after his kisses stopped and he slightly pulled away with his eyes fixated on my neck, a deep frown sitting on his face. That's when I remembered about all the marks and bruises on my neck.

"I need to go" I mumbled already feeling tears stinging my eyes.

"Claire wait" he rushed but I ignored him.

Sliding off the bed I took quick steps towards the door but out of nowhere Xavier grabbed my wrist to stop me and I instinctively flinched at the sudden contact.

He immediately let go of my hand and pain was evident in his eyes.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore so I quickly rushed out of the room. Climbing down the stairs I could hear many voices in the distance so I sucked in a deep breath, wiped my face clean, and put on a smile before walking forward into the lounge.

"My god Claire!" Chloe's loud voice scared me and she rushed towards me pulling me into a tight hug followed by Oliver's chuckle.

"I fucking missed you" she mumbled and I hugged her back with just as much love.

"Your baby bump is gone" I joked to which she laughed and pulled back.

"Because I got them out, come let me introduce you to lily and Carson" she pulled me towards a troller with 2 baby seats in them, and there sat the most adorable babies, one dressed in all blue who I assume is Carson and the other dressed all in pink which most likely is Lily. Both of them were asleep.

"They're so adorable Chlo" I awed at them and she looked at them like a proud mother.

"They definitely look more like you" I said to Chloe and Oliver soon chipped in.

"They sure do, just as beautiful as their mother" he said wrapping his arms around her and her face went red making me giggle at the adoring couple in front of me.


A voice came and I turned to look at who it was and there stood Eric with a gentle smile on his face, hands shoved down his pockets.

I gave him a gentle smile of my own. I wasn't as uncomfortable around him anymore. He's my brother after all. And he never meant any harm toward me, he always protected me for as long as he could.

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