Chapter 43 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:


That's how I felt. Knowing I was too late to reach her. Knowing I'm the reason she's hurt. Only if I would've listened to her begging I would have her in my arms right now instead of the bloody dress that faintly smelled like her, delicate and soft.

But I was too late.

Digging my fingers through my hair, frustrated I let out a shaky sigh while all I could think about was the blood stains in that room. Her torn dress with blood stains. She's hurt and I can't fucking do anything about it.

"She's awake" Oliver spoke, pulling me out of my thoughts and I stood up from the couch and followed him into the room she was being treated in.

I couldn't take her to a hospital in the state she was in so I brought her back to the mansion and let my doctor treat her.

If anyone can help me find my angel, it's her.

"She's traumatized and weak, she might not answer you at the moment, try to go easy on her" Oliver informed me and I gave him a curt nod before walking over to her.

Derek didn't move from her side and stayed holding her hand, and by the looks of it, she seemed to need that.

"How are you feeling?" I began and she didn't once look at me or reacted to my question.

"I know you're scared but if you don't talk we won't be able to find Claire" I sighed and that seemed to grab her attention as she looked at me with fear and tears in her eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, he won't hurt you" Derek held her face, trying to calm her but she only pushed his hands away and began shaking her head vigorously.

"H-He's got her" she cried and I frowned.

"Who?" I pressed.

"He's b-back and h-he won't let her go, please do something!" She cried harder and Derek jumped in bed holding her shivering body against his chest.

"Evan?" I asked and she shook her head.

"N-No, Liam..Liam Richards" she mumbled and cried into Derek's chest.

"Ssh, you're safe here" Derek reassured her and after a while, she finally calmed down a bit.

Taking in a deep breath myself I ran my fingers through my hair. Take it easy on her.

"Skyler I need to ask you some questions. I know you're scared but you're safe here, we won't let anyone harm you. But Claire isn't. And I need you to tell me who Liam is so I can get her away from him" I explained and she looked at me, eyes calculating.

"He's Claire's ex" she mumbled and my brows furrowed together. Her ex?

"They met in high school and immediately hit it off, but after a few months, he started showing his psychotic controlling side. He wouldn't let her hang out with any friends or let her out without him" she continued and my blood boiled.

"Then after a few months, she went missing. No one could get to her. The last she was seen was with Liam, everyone questioned him but he had connections everywhere and because of that he was never suspected, I knew he had something to do with her going missing but I couldn't prove it" she mumbled the last part, guilt in her voice.

"Then after 2 years I got a knock on my door, and there she stood, bruised, covered in blood from head to toe" her voice broke but she continued.

"She was never the same again, we moved cities in hopes to never see him again. She never told me what he did to her but the distant look in her eyes, her cries, and her nightmares were enough of a proof that he fucked her up in the head" she finished, crying in Derek's chest as he comforted her and I could feel the beast in me going insane after hearing everything.

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