Chapter 54 (edited)

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Eight months later..

Claire's POV:

The unbearably loud sound of my alarm woke me up. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and my stomach growled when the sweet smell of pancakes hit my nostrils.

Lazily getting off the bed I dragged myself to the bathroom. Doing my business I went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I was done I walked out of my room, picked up the clothes that I hung on the door last night, and changed into them.

Walking over to my dressing table I ran my eyes over all the sticky notes I put on the mirror. Each one from him. Every day I look at them and wonder if I made the right decision. But right or not it's too late now.

Tying my hair up in a tight ponytail I sucked in a deep breath and put on a smile and walked out of my room.

"Look who's awake" Skyler's voice boomed around the house and I softly chuckled at her enthusiasm.

After everything she went through because of me, after everything she gave up for me. She never once left my side and for that, I don't think I can ever thank her enough.

She's still in touch with Derek and I'm happy for them. She would go away to stay with him for a week once every month. And I haven't seen her happier before. Seeing her happy is something that's keeping me sane at the moment.

I met Derek many times over these last few months but I never had the guts to ask him about Xavier, even tho I'm dying to know how he's doing.

"How'd you sleep honey bee?" She asked when I sat down on the chair by the counter stuffing my mouth with the mini pancakes she made.

"I slept well" I mumbled with my mouth full and she gave me a look of pity and I know she's well aware of my nightmares, but there's nothing I can do. I ran away from the only remedy for them.

"Claire please-" she began but I cut her off.

"I'm okay Sky, don't worry about it, when is Derek coming to pick you up?" I asked changing the topic. She has been trying to get me to see a psychiatrist but I know it won't help. I brought this on myself and now I have to deal with this.

"He said he'll be here by 8 pm and this week we're going to stay here in Toronto" she said excitedly and I smiled at her.

"Thank you for the pancakes Sky, I loved them. I'm off to work now, stay safe okay" I informed her as I picked up my purse and put the coat on and she hummed in response.

Walking out of the apartment I plugged in my earphones and began my walk to my new workplace.

When I first came here to Toronto with Eric I had no idea what I was doing with my life, the moment I got on that plane, regret slapped me right in the face but it was too late.

The first couple of months I wasn't able to even get out of my bed. Eric and Skyler tried everything they could to get me moving.

He introduced me to his wife and daughter. Sofia and Ashley. My niece, the smartest and sweetest little thing. I get to babysit her every time Sofia has to go to work when Eric isn't around.

She owns her own line of restaurants and she helped me get a job in a cafe near my apartment since the owner of the cafe is her childhood friend. And for that, I will forever be thankful to her.

The cafe is 15 mins walk from my apartment, but since November is coming to an end the weather has been really chilly which makes the walk not so pleasant.

Eric offered to get me a driver but I refused. He already did too much for me, he got me the apartment and paid off all the rent.

I pulled out my earphones when I reached the cafe and pushed the glass door open, feeling the warmth engulfing me. This place offered me a sense of peace, it's a cafe and a bookstore all in one.

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