Chapter 28 (edited)

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Claire's POV:

My body went numb seeing a very furious Tristan towering over me with his hand muffling my mouth.

"Is that why you ran away earlier huh? Because of him?" He muttered harshly. He reeked of alcohol. He's drunk!

Gathering all my might I pushed him off of me and he tumbled back.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shouted at him. I could feel my hands shaking and tears threatening to spill.

"Me? What is wrong with you?!" He spat in anger. 

"I saw you all over him in the pool earlier. What is it huh? His money, his power that you want? Just when I thought you weren't a fucking gold-digging, self-observed little bitch, you go and prove me wrong" he roared taking a step towards me and I scurried back trying to put some distance between us.

"You have lost it, Tristan, you're drunk get out!" I hissed at him as it was getting harder for me to keep my breathing in control.

"Or what huh? What will you do? Call for him to save you?" He mocked chuckling dangerously pushing me up against the wall and trapping me in between him and the wall.

"Guess what, he's not home, and what makes you think he'd even believe you?!" He snapped grabbing my face in a tight grip.

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer and they freely dropped down my cheeks.

"I'll tell you what" he began as he harshly rubbed my mouth.

"We can have our fun and I don't care who else you fuck around with" he suggested with a disgusting smell fanning over my face.

"Tristan please, let go of me. Y-You're my friend please" I cried trying to push his body away.

"Friend?" He laughed out shaking his head.

"I have been trying to fuck you since the moment I saw you, and I've been patient so let me have my fun, be good and we can have fun together" he whispered getting closer as more tears rolled down my face.

"Resist and I will have to do it the hard way, which won't be as much fun for you" he said and began sliding his hands up under my shirt.

"Get off me!" I cried and swung a tight slap across his face causing him to stumble a step back.

"You fucking bitch!" He snapped grabbing me by my throat and slammed my head hard against the wall.

"Hard way it is then" he spatted over my face and began unbuttoning my shirt while I was trying to gasp for air as tears streamed down my face nonstop.

"My god, Tristan!" A loud shaky voice came causing Tristan to loosen his grip and look at the doorstep.

I crumbled to the ground gasping for air.

"Get the fuck off her!"

Came Paul's voice and I looked up to see him dragging the drunk Tristan out of my room, leaving me alone, a crying mess on the floor.

I almost got raped again. Why does this happen to me, why?

I broke into tears hugging my knees close to my chest.

When I couldn't cry anymore I pushed myself off the floor and dragged myself into the bathroom.

Looking over at the mirror I saw the reflection of the girl I'd been trying to escape for years. The girl that has been haunted and preyed on, the girl that has been used and tortured. The girl who's damaged goods.

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