Plan failed

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Chang An and Ting Hao(together) - We think that we should make Yi Feng think that Fei Yu is planning to propose Xiao Ying today.

Everyone - What!

Ting Hao - Yeah. Fei Yu, go change your dress.

Fei Yu - Do you want me to wear something formal?

Ting Hao - You don't have to propose Xiao Ying for real, Fei Yu. You just have to pretend that you are going to propose Xiao Ying.

Fei Yu - I know that. Then what do you want me to do?

Then the scene changed. Now Ting Hao was in Yi Feng's room.

Ting Hao - Yi Feng, wake up.

Yi Feng - Let me sleep for 5 minutes more, Senior Ting Hao.

Ting Hao - No, Yi Feng, you are waking up right now and then, you are going in Fei Yu's room to wake him up.

Then suddenly, Yi Feng got up.

Yi Feng - What! You want me to wake Fei Yu up!

Ting Hao - Yeah.

Yi Feng(mumbling) - If I want, I will put him to sleep forever.

Ting Hao - What did you say?

Yi Feng - Nothing. But why do you want me to do this?

Ting Hao - I am doing this for you only, Yi Feng.

Yi Feng - What do you mean?

Ting Hao - I mean, If you treat Fei Yu well, then your respect will increase in Xiao Ying's eyes.

Yi Feng - What are you saying, Senior Ting Hao? Why would I want Xiao Ying to respect me more?

Ting Hao - I was just saying. I will go now.

Then Ting Hao went near the door and opened it, suddenly he stops and turned.

Ting Hao - Remember to wake Fei Yu up.

Then Ting Hao gave a smile and went out of the room. As he stepped out of the room, he winks. Everyone was standing there only and was listening to their conversation.

Ting Hao(whispering) - I think we should go. Yi Feng can come out anytime.

Everyone(whispering) - Yeah.

Then they all went to the drawing-room.

In Yi Feng's room

Yi Feng - Senior Ting Hao was actually right. Maybe this can work. And whatever it is, I should behave nicely with Fei Yu, it's not his fault that he loves Xiao Ying. I should not be rude to him.

Then Yi Feng went inside the bathroom.

After some time, he came out and went to Fei Yu's room. As he went inside, he saw that there was a picture in Fei Yu's hand.

Yi Feng(in his mind) - Whose picture is it?

Then Yi Feng went near Fei Yu. He was slowly pulling the picture from Fei Yu's hand, and he was successful in it.

Yi Feng - His grip is really nice.

Then Yi Feng saw that something was written on the back of the picture. It was written "Love of my life". Yi Feng nervously turns the picture upside down and see that the picture was of Xiao Ying. He was really sad and angry at the same time.

Yi Feng - Seeing your face, I am feeling like to punch you hard, but at the same time, I am feeling sad after seeing your face. I am that we both are walking together on the path, but we are against each other.

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