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Yi Feng - Dad!

Chang An - Bingwei!

As everyone else heard them, everyone started looking at Bingwei and Yi Feng's father

At that moment, Qu Xiang Nan got a call. He got up and went out from the restaurant.

Yi Feng - Lin Li, hide. He should not see you at any cost or else he will get you married if he will know that you are in the US.

Lin Li - Yeah.

Then Lin Li turns her face towards the opposite direction and Yi Feng and Chang An were standing in front of her.

As Chang An saw Yi Feng's dad going from there, he went to Bingwei.

Chang An - Bingwei!

Bingwei - Chang An, what are you doing here in the US?

Chang An - I am not the only one who is here. Look over there, everyone is here.

Then Bingwei turns his face towards everyone. Ting Hao was sitting with his hand against his head and everyone else was waving their hands then suddenly, his eyes fell upon Bai Cao.

Bingwei - Oh great! Bai Cao is here.

Chang An(shocked) - You can only see Bai Cao! Can't you see anyone else?

Bingwei - She is so gorgeous that I can't even take my eyes off her.

Chang An - Don't you know about Senior Ting Hao's feelings for Bai Cao?

Bingwei - I know.

Chang An - So, don't you know that there are some problems going on between you and Ting Hao?

Bingwei - Obviously I know.

Chang An - Then why are you inviting more problems between you and Ting Hao?

Bingwei - Are you saying that Bai Cao is a problem?

Chang An - Not at all, she is the solution of all Ting Hao's problems. Then how can she be problem?

Bingwei - Then what are you saying?

Chang An - I am just saying that stop feeling anything for Bai Cao.

Bingwei - It's really hard.

Chang An - It's not.

Bingwei - How can you say that?

Chang An - Because I am sure that you don't love Bai Cao as much as Ting Hao does. And even I stopped loving Bai Cao after realizing Ting Hao's love for Bai Cao.

Bingwei - Ooo! So you are saying I should also back out for Ting Hao's love just like you did. Right?

Chang An - Yeah.

Bingwei - Why should I?

Chang An - Because Ting Hao loves her.

Bingwei - But Bai Cao does not love Ting Hao.

Chang An - She does.

Bingwei - Oh really! Then why are they not in a relationship yet?

Chang An had nothing to say.

Bingwei - What happened? You have nothing to say? Okay, tell me one thing. You are saying that you loved Bai Cao and you backed out for Ting Hao's love, right?

Chang An - Not really. I backed out because I knew that Bai Cao loves Ting Hao. She had feelings for Ting Hao since beginning. After all, Ting Hao was there with her since beginning. I came in the middle and Ruo Bai left her in the middle. But Ting Hao stayed by her side all the time.

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