Chapter 4

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Theo's P.O.V

"I can't wait you guys, it's going to be absolutely amazing! The flat is big enough for us to throw parties for our group all the time," Aaron says very animatedly.

"And we have a huge tv where we boys can watch football and play video games," Liam adds nodding along.

"Fuck yeah," Aaron says, chucking down the rest of his beer.

I've known Aaron for 9 years and this kids personality and behaviour hasn't changed at all, it's quite scary. He's been the same immature, funny, layback, non-serious at all guy ever since I met him. Even his looks haven't changed at all, he's just a grown-up version of himself. He's tall, lean, black hair, brown eyes, straight nose and full lips looking, guy.

As for Liam, I've known him for 6 years and he's just a proper lad. He's a bit immature at times, logical at other times, caring and a bit of an asshole sometimes but if needed he will stand up for us and have our backs. He's the tallest guy in our group being 6 foot 3, has brown hair, blue eyes, a bumpy nose and thin lips. 

"How about you, Miles, you've been quiet?" I ask.

"Yeah, what about you mate, you're excited aren't you? You'll be living with the best," Aaron says, putting an arm around Miles's shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm buzzing," Miles says with a straight face.

Can't blame him, I would have a constant headache living with those two, they're so loud!

Miles is my second best mate, I've known Miles since like forever. He's been my rock throughout my childhood. His personality doesn't match at all the other two so, I don't know how they're going to make it work.

He's an honest, respectful, emotional sweetheart, that's Miles. If you want to anger him just be dishonest with him, he despises liars and so do I. Miles has blonde hair, an eyebrow piercing, brown eyes, a straight nose and pouty lips.

"Oh, wow man chill no need to be so enthusiastic," Liam remarks with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I feel like the people two tables down can feel your excitement hold some for our first party," Aaron adds. 

"Stop messing with him, assholes," Thomas says chuckling. 

"Oh, come on dad," Aaron whines.

"I'm so glad I'm not your dad, you're too annoying," Thomas says making Amelia giggle. 

Thomas is my absolute best mate and I've only known him for 3 years. I've met him at the gym where we used to learn how to box together. He's as the boys call him the dad of the group. He's responsible, logical, caring, honest and calls us out when he needs to. His appearance matches his personality well, with his brown hair, green eyes, bumpy nose, full lips and upper body full of tattoos.

"When are you going to stop with that joke?" Amelia asks, shifting on Thomas lap.

"What joke mum?" Aaron says with a goofy smile.

"We're just telling the truth mum," Liam says.

"Ugh, I hate you guys sometimes," Amelia says throwing a plastic straw at them.

Amelia is as they said the mum of the group, can't have a dad without a mum right? And ours are still in love. They met and got together 2 years ago and she fitted into our dysfunctional group nicely. She's usually sweet and caring but she's also very straightforward. She has long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, a small nose and fuller lips.

"She's lying, she's too caring to hate you guys," Zoe exclaims.

"No, I'm not!" Amelia says.

"Sure you are," Zoe says smiling wide.

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