Chapter 20

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Theo's P.O.V

Thomas throws the ball and...strike!

"Yes," I say, patting Thomas on the back.

"Oh, come on," Aaron says as his team loses again.

"What can I say I'm a master at bowling," Thomas says smiling.

"Yeah, yeah we're going to win next time, just so you watch," Liam says, pointing his finger at him.

"That's what you said last time," I say, watching him get in position to throw the ball as we start a second round.

It's been a couple of days since the Halloween party and I and the boys decided to come bowling tonight for a nice chill evening. I think we all deserve it especially with uni assignments closing in on us.

"Yeah, well this time, it will come true," he says before throwing the ball, hitting only 2 cones.

"Damn it," I hear him whisper.

"What are your guy's plans for the holidays?" Aaron asks as I pick up the ball.

"It's the beginning of November still," Miles says.

"Yeah, why are you asking us so soon?" Thomas says, feeling his eyes on me as I take the position and grip the ball with three fingers.

"So, what? They already put Christmas lights outside so it's appropriate for me to ask," Aaron says, explaining his logic.

"I don't know yet, it's too soon to make plans, plus I don't know until then how things are going to be with my girl," Liam says as I throw the ball.

"Oof," I say as the ball hits all cones but one.

"I'll probably spend Christmas with Amelia's family and then new year's eve with mine," Thomas says, high fiving me as I go back to sit next to him.

"I'll spend it with Zoe probably here," Aaron says.

"I'll probably stay here, to be honest, I'm not sure about spending it with my family," I say, taking a sip of water.

"I'll stay here as well, I need to think about my degree and I can't do that around my family," Miles says, making us all turn to look at him.

"Think about what regarding your degree?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"If I want to stick to law or change to sociology," he says.

"But you wanted to be a lawyer," Thomas says.

"I do want to be a lawyer but it's just that is really difficult," he says, looking down at his hands.

"And what? You'll chicken out because you're finding it difficult?" Liam asks, throwing his hands up before letting them fall on his lap.

"Come on Miles you knew that law would be difficult, nothing in life is easy anyway," I say, putting my arm around him.

"And think about it like this. How do you know that you'll like sociology? Or that it would be easier?" I ask, without expecting a response.

"Yeah, and besides that you like law, it's a subject you're interested in, sociology not so much," Thomas says.

"Yeah, you guys are right, but I'll still take some time off holidays to think about it. It's not like I have a girl to go to like most of you," he says, clearly still upset about his recent breakup.

"Speaking about girls, what the fuck happened at the party?" Thomas says, making me groan.

"You're still annoyed at Claire?" Liam asks.

"Of course I'm annoyed," I say, throwing my hands up.

"You know mate, I didn't find it that bad that she dared you to kiss her. I mean you two did sleep together in the past," he says, making me scoff.

"Yeah, exactly in the past and it was just two quick fucks nothing else. It's been months since that happened and at the time I did ask her to make sure things wouldn't be awkward between us and she reassure me it wouldn't," I say, running my hand through my hair.

"I don't know what she's thinking or how she's feeling and frankly I don't give a shit, I was straightforward to her from the get-go," I say snapping, looking at the ground.

"Yeah she became an even bigger bitch lately," Aaron says.

"Ever since I started hanging out with Daisy that's when she changed. I'm so confused at her behaviour," I say, shaking my head.

"Yeah, that's true and she was a total bitch to Daisy as well," Miles says, joining the conversation.

"Yeah, and she has no right to be. I have a couple of suspicions about her and I think lately she's proving me right. All of a sudden she's acting as if there's something between us and acting territorial," I say, unscrewing my water bottle again and taking a sip.

"Maybe you need to talk to her," Liam says.

"Fuck her," I snap, making them drop the subject.

"You boys don't mind if I leave early right?" I ask, standing up with a sigh.

"Not at all bro," Aaron says hugging me.

"Wait just one more question?" Thomas says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"What was that Sophia's girl's problem, her question was very out of the blue," he says and I turn my gaze on the other boys, seeing them nodding along.

"Trust me when I say I have no idea. I think she and Daisy had a falling out weeks ago and it seems like it wasn't resolved," I say shrugging.

"And it probably won't be after that," Miles says, patting me on the back.

"Yeah, anyway boys, I'm going," I say, grabbing my backpack and waving them goodbye.

I quickly get into my car and drive to my accommodation, feeling my fingers itching to hit something. Discussing what happened at the party and rethinking everything just made me angry all over again. 

Once I arrive, I grab my boxing gloves out of my bag and walk into the gym, glad to see that no one is here on a Saturday night at 10.

Boxing helps me a lot with relaxing and letting off steam. I land punches on that punching bag as if it's someone I despise. All my negative emotions or bothersome thoughts that fill my brain go into that bag.

When I'm at the gym boxing, I become a different person. I'm very snappy and aggressive, it's a version of myself that I don't really like.

Certain people just pissed me off without needing to do much and Claire is one of those. I just don't get her behaviour lately. Why the sudden change? Why now? Where did I go wrong with that girl? I've grown to dislike the girl she became the last couple of months.

I punch the bag a little harder and faster, using my knees as a weapon as well.

And what's going to happen with me and Daisy now? Will she accept my offer or turn me down? How is that going to affect our friendship? What if someone catches feelings?

I land one strong right hook to the bag, sending it away from me before grabbing it and resting my forehead on it when it's steady.

Shit, I should've thought this through before I popped the question to her!


How do you blow off steam?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one on Tuesday!

Please don't forget to comment & vote ❤️

I hope you have a lovely Sunday! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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