Chapter 45

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The holidays came and went like the wind, although more pleasantly, and today it's the 8th of January only two weeks before our second semester starts.
This doesn't stop us though from going out, it actually fuels our want to have fun and so we are.

We all planned to go out together for drinks once we all came back and that's why now we're sitting at a bar drinking cocktails and talking about our holidays.

The bar is dark with black tables and leather stools, dim lighting that changes hue colours every so often and only two big windows at the front of the place. Is not a big bar by any means but it's not tiny either. This place is buzzing with noise, people talking and laughing all around us and the music is pretty loud.

"You guys, my mum freaked out because I bent down next to her and she started screaming and smiling like crazy cause she thought I was proposing," Thomas says to us, wrapping an arm around Amelia.

"What were you actually doing?" Liam asks.

"I was just picking up my fork that I accidentally knocked down," he says, shrugging.

"Oh, God I guess mama wasn't as excited anymore, right?" Aaron says, lifting his glass up to his lips.

"You don't say, suddenly her smile dropped and her expression sober before sitting back down on the chair and continuing eating," Thomas says, making us laugh.

"Do you guys even want to get married?" Abi asks them, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, in like ten years from now," Thomas says as Amelia bites down her lip to stop herself from smiling wider.

"If we're still together," Amelia adds, making Thomas's head snap towards her.

"Are you planning on exchanging me, darling?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, but you never know what's going to happen in the future, I might get sick of you," she says, smiling at him.

"I don't give a shit if you do, we're not breaking up," he says, picking up his drink and taking a sip.

"Liam, you're up anything exciting or funny happened to you on holidays?" Aaron asks, slapping a hand on his back.

"Well, you know one of them cause you were involved, I'll get to it in a minute but I do have something else to share as well," Liam says, raising his glass in a toast.

"Your boy is officially single and ready to mingle," he says, giving us a tight lip smile before knocking down his drink.

"Wait what?" Aaron shouts, looking at him with eyes wide.

"Yeah, I broke it off with her before the holidays started," he says casually. 

"How are you feeling?" Caleb asks slowly.

"I'm doing pretty good actually, it was something that needed to happen. We just weren't compatible with each other," he says, tapping his fingers against the table.

"How did she take it?" I ask, playing with the rings on Theos hand that's resting on my thigh.

"Admittedly, she took it better than I thought she would but I think she could see as well that it wasn't going to last between us so, she took it well," he says, shrugging.

"You Daisy, anything exciting happened?" He asks, looking at me.

"Nothing, it was actually pretty boring and plain like always, I just spend it with my family. What I'm curious to know though is about that other thing that happened during your holidays," I say, raising an eyebrow looking between him and Aaron.

"Oh, that," he says before laughing.

"So, as you guys may know we spend new year's eve together with Theo and Miles but it didn't really go to plan," he starts saying.

"We got shit face drunk and passed out on the couch all squeezed together before the year changed," Aaron says, getting a laugh out of some.

"Oh, no," I mumble.

"Oh, yes! We woke up to Miles shaking us and telling us that the year changed," Theo says, squeezing my thigh.

"And we immediately jumped up and we're like what are you talking about?!" Aaron says animatedly.

"Miles was like yeah like a minute ago," Liam reiterates. 

"We missed the countdown by like a minute cause we fell asleep," Theo says, smiling wide whilst shaking his head at the memory. 

"Wow," Emma says laughing.

"Yeah it was pretty hilarious," Miles says, sitting next to Emma.

"So, who's next?" Aaron yells and Caleb picks up his drink.

"My uncle almost choke to death on a big piece of cake he was munching on," he says.

Well, okay.

"Is he alright?" Abi asks, concerned.

"Oh, yeah he was fine and then he went for a second slice," he says, making her chuckle.

"Okay, now my turn," Abi yells, slightly tipsy already.

And so the storytelling continued for another hour or so until we were all drunk enough to be feeling a bit buzzed. After that Liam had the bright idea for us to do some shots and Amelia immediately added a bit of spice as she yelled body shots and now here we are.

"Go on," I say to Theo, motioning with my head to the table.

"I'm on it, baby," he says, smirking as he unbuttons his red satin shirt.

Thomas was already shirtless with his torso laying on the table as Amelia springles a bit of salt on his abs. Theo lays next to him, fist-bumping him as they both have huge smirks on. Amelia sits on Thomas's side while Theo pulls me to straddle him, making the others at our table woo and cheer us on. I smile, dripping some salt on his neck as he picks the lime slice, holding it in his mouth. 

"Go on girls!" Zoe yells.

I and Amelia clink our glasses together before knocking our shot glasses back, letting the liquid trail down our throats. I lean down and glide my tongue across Theo's long neck, picking up the salt before taking his skin between my teeth, twisting it a bit and placing a kiss on it. I move up to his face and place my lips around the slice of lime, sucking on it.

"That's my girls!" Abi shouts, clapping her hands.

"Damn!" Aaron says loudly.

Theo rips the slice out his mouth and kisses me hard, letting his tongue glide against mine before sitting up straight again. I climb off his lap, laughing and sit back down on the stool, throwing him his shirt.

As he buttons his shirt again, leaving even more buttons open we watch Zoe and Julian go at it and surprisingly Miles and Emma. I and Theo shared secret smiles, internally rooting for those two to end up together.

After another hour I and the girls found ourselves on the dance floor as our boys stayed behind, watching us.

Theo's eyes stay glued to my body and I thought why not put on a show for him? It worked the first time.


Have you ever done body shots?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one as things get steamy between Theo and Daisy...👀❤️🔥

Please don't forget to comment & vote ❤️

I hope you all have a great week ahead! Xx

Stay safe & healthy!

All the love - M ❤️

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