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80. Trouble on the Forums

After a long night's chat, QiYao finally had a rough understanding of the story behind the animosity between XiaoYu and Snow. Who would've thought it'd be related to the scheming assassin Egg_Tart mentioned before?

If one boiled it down to the basics, it's a series of unfortunate and unpleasant reactions born from the meeting between someone who's used to just thinking of herself and someone who'd so introverted that he didn't know how to explain things.

Objectively none of them were in the wrong and none of them were right. It was a simple case of a clash of personalities that easily led to misunderstandings and grudges.

Most men wouldn't think too much on what's in the past. That's why the two men put aside the PvP duel after a good night's sleep. Just because they've put it aside, doesn't mean everyone had, especially not the person who was outclassed and forced to leave in humiliation.

Unknown to QiYao and XiaoYu, a post on the forums was gaining popularity.

A large-scale game like AO would have countless of new posts appearing on its forums. They asked for help, for trade, to chat, to fight. If one wanted to stand out from the crowd, they would need an astonishing, eye-catching title. Like this one.

Bully of the weak, dogsbody of the strong! Who knew the Heretic Demons leader would be like this? [picture]

Gossip about famous people were topics the average player of the game preferred, especially if there were pictures. Quite a few of the readers only clicked into the topic because it had an image of the Heretic Demons Guild Leader.

Indeed, there was a picture attached to the post. In the image, QiYao had a blank face on and pointing his sharp sword at a weak female wizard with her head lowered. On the surface, it certainly did look like he was bullying a lower-levelled player.

Under the image was the post detailing how she, a low-level wizard, was scouting out the Pyramids when she accidentally hit the same monster as another healer. Some misunderstandings were born from that incident and the other player called his party member for help.

To her surprise, it was the famous Guild Leader of the Heretic Demons. They forced her to apologise just because they were part of a major guild. If she didn't apologise, they'd kill her. They were very mean and evil. She's just a weak little wizard. She wasn't looking for justice on how she was bullied by two men, she just wanted everyone to know the true character of these people.

Before Snow uploaded the photo, she'd erased her own nametag which would show that she was the one who attacked first. However, she left QiYao's and XiaoYu's nametags in the image as QiYao had decided to show their party name.

The bright "(Black-White)" text clearly announced they belonged to the same party. It portrayed an image of the Heretic Demons Guild Leader threatening a wizard to apologise after a misunderstanding happened.

There's an air of a culprit making a complaint before the victim in Snow's post. That's because the more she thought about it through the night, the angrier she got, the harder it was to calm down. But she can't go against QiYao and XiaoYu head-on. None of her so-called best friends were useful. All she could do was vent out her anger on the forums.

Anyone who have spent some time on the forums would know how messy things were. There were all sorts of people on there. When a hot topic appeared, there were always those clicking in just because they were curious, just because they wanted to watch the fire burn, and just because they wanted to make sure justice was properly served. The replies started piling up until the conversation veered off into rather strange territories.

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