3- Lovebug

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Ladybug's POV

It's hard being in love with Adrien as Marinette and only getting to be with him as Ladybug. Three months have passed since our secret relationship started and so far no one's caught on, thankfully. Three long months of sneaking in his room at midnight and quietly watching movies, playing video games, and kissing, of course. That part I like a lot. I've learned so much more about Adrien as Ladybug that Marinette never would've known. He and I are a lot close now, though, than when we first met. A lot has changed in a year. I want to tell Adrien my secret identity so bad, but I chicken out every chance I get. I wish I could say: "It's me, Marinette, your best friend. I am Ladybug." Every time I open my mouth, my words catch in my throat and I stop myself.

Secret identities are so complicated.

I tap three times on Adrien's window. It swings open and I grab his hand and step down. I peck him on the lips before taking my usual spot on the bed. He sits beside me and grabs his laptop. We're in the middle of this anime we both love.

"Hi," We whisper and burst into a fit of giggles.

"Even after three months, we still make each other nervous," Adrien whispers, adjusting the pillow behind his back as he scoots closer. "But I'm so glad you're here. Today was such a crazy day."

Oh, I know all about how crazy today was. "I heard what happened," I start, careful with what I say. "You had a photoshoot today. With your classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng, right?"

He nods with a frown. "Yeah. Poor Marinette. I feel bad for what happened to her."

"It's all over the news."

"By the way, I just want to let you know I kissed her," Adrien says out of nowhere. "But it was for the photoshoot! My photographer thought it was a good way to wrap the shoot."

I smirk and tease him. "You kissed another girl, huh? Do I need to be jealous?"

"No, not at all," He says, and my heart breaks a little. "I mean, I liked her a while ago, but I'm with you now and I'm over it."

My eyes widen. "What?! You liked me...Marinette Dupain-Cheng?!"

Adrien scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, sometime ago last year. I liked you both at the same time and it was getting really confusing, honestly. I never knew if Marinette felt the same way, and when you kissed me that night, well... I chose you."

Adrien liked me? Me? All this time we could have been together as our normal selves? No secret identities or hiding? How could I have been so oblivious? "Oh... do you still have feelings for her?"

"The only feelings I have are for you, Mil- uh, Ladybug." He smiles and grabs my hand. "You're not mad, right? That I kissed someone else?"

"No, it's just for modeling. It's your job." I glance over and add, "But I would be if it were someone else."

He laughs. "Don't worry. I don't plan on kissing any other girls."

"Good to know," I whisper with a smirk and rest my head on his shoulder. "I wish we could do normal couple stuff. Like going to a movie, or a date, or just a peaceful walk around the city."

"I know." Adrien squeezes my hand. "The city's asleep now. We could wear our disguises."

"Yeah, our disguises," I snort and sit up straight and gesture to myself. "A beach hat, white sunglasses, and a red trench coat." I point to him. "A brown wig and the ugliest green suit I've ever seen."

"Hey!" He defends, walking over to his closet to grab them. "That suit is not ugly."

I roll my eyes and hold my arms out to let Adrien slip the trench coat on. I tie the strings in the front and grab the beach hat. "Trust me. I know my fabrics. That shade of green should be burned from existence."

"Only makes me want to wear it more," He says from the closet as he changes. I wait and pace outside for him to finish. "Can I be honest about something?"

This is it. He's going to admit he still has feelings for Marinette—for me—and we're going to break up and Adrien and I can finally be together, no hard feelings. "Sure. What's up?"

"I actually have a surprise planned for us." Adrien opens the closet and steps out and I start laughing at his disguise. I can never take him seriously in that wig. "You know, it being our three-month anniversary."

My eyes widen as I remember. "Shoot! I forgot your present!" As I was making it, I told myself not to leave it behind, and what do I do? "Aw, I would go home and get it, but I don't want to waste any time away from you."

"That's okay, Lovebug. There's always another day." Adrien grabs something from his desk as I smile and try not to squeal at the nickname I love so much. He walks over and hands me a small, red box. "Happy three months, Ladybug."

"Oh, Adrien..." I take the box and pull off the white ribbon and lift the lid. It's a necklace of a star map with different constellations. I hold the charm near the window and the moonlight makes it sparkle. "This is beautiful, Adrien."

"You know what makes it better?" He walks over and flips the charm over. There's a date engraved on the back. "On the night we first kissed, these were the constellations in the sky."

"What? Are you serious?" I flip the charm back over and stare at the stares. "How did you even—"

Adrien grins. "I have my ways."

I slip the necklace on and step forward to hug Adrien. "I love you, Adrien." His shoulders tense and it's then I realize this is my first time saying it. I pull back immediately as my cheeks burn red. "I-I mean I love the gift. Because it's a beautiful necklace and..." Oh, screw it. I said it and I meant it. "I love the necklace and I love you, Adrien Agreste."

He smiles. "I love you too, Ladybug." He grabs my hand. "That's your present to me. Saying 'I love you' first."

"I'm still giving you your real present," I remind him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself closer to him. "So, what's this surprise you have planned?"

"Would it really be a surprise if I told you?"

I roll my eyes. "No."

"No, it wouldn't. I just need you to swing us over to here." Adrien pulls out a paper from his bag and shows me the address written down.

"Oh, so I'm the driver, but you still won't tell me?"

He shakes his head. "Nope."

"Eh, I tried." I wrap an arm around Adrien's waist and throw my yo-yo out the window. We jump from the window and I swing us over to Adrien's secret spot. The city's bright and asleep as we fly across and it makes me jealous of lovers who can be together during the day. We reach the address and we drop down on the roof. I look around, but there's just some crates, an A/C unit, and some birds chittering together. "If I'm being honest, your room is a lot nicer, Adrien."

"It's not ready yet," He deadpans as he sets down his bag. "Now close your eyes. No peeking."

"Alright." I close my eyes and wait, listening carefully as Adrien starts moving around and whispering to himself.

"Okay. You can open your eyes now."

I do and I gasp. There's a large blanket laid on the ground with pillows, surrounded by lit candles and rose petals. A brown picnic basket sits in the middle with plates of foods and snacks. His laptop sits ready with the new season of our favorite anime. "Adrien, this... this is beautiful!"

"I'm glad you love it." Adrien offers his hand and i take it. He leads me over to the blanket and we sit down. "I know it sucks having to be in my room all the time, so I thought..." He chuckles. "Tonight's special and I thought we deserved a change of scenery."

"Oh, Adrien. You're so sweet." I cup his cheek and lean in for a kiss. "I know we can't hang out and do stuff like other couples can, but I do love all the time we spend together in your room. It's like our hideout, our secret spot away from the world, and the press, and the chaos. I never want you to feel like you're not enough for me, because you are."

Adrien smiles. "I feel the exact same way." He pulls the laptop closer and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "We have a couple of hours before I'm supposed to wake up for school. Let's cram in this new season."

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