29- Eavesdropping

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Marinette's POV

As I'm heading to class, I reach for my phone in my purse and my hand slaps my thigh. Huh? I look down. My purse is missing. "Oh no!" I shout, paused in the middle of the stairs. "Where's my purse?" I look around the courtyard, freaking out. The locker door catches my eye and I watch it swing back and forth. Someone just walked in. My purse is probably in there. It must have fallen off while Adrien was holding me back from hitting Lila. I race down the stairs towards the locker room and I push the door open, stopping when I recognize the two voices talking.

It's Adrien and Lila.

"I just hate being in the middle of things, having to pick sides," I hear Adrien say to Lila.

Picking sides? What does he mean? Five minutes ago he said he was on my side. Did something change?

"What do you mean?" Lila asks.

Peeking my head through the door, I squat and watch them talk. I probably shouldn't, I know, but they're talking about me. That makes it okay, right?

"I'm sure deep down you're a great person, Lila." Yeah right. Adrien looks at Lila and smiles. It looks real. Is it? "I don't get why Marinette doesn't see it. She has this weird vendetta against you that I don't understand."

What did Adrien just say about me? I'm the one with a bone to pick? Lila's been out to get me since day one! Or did Mr. Perfect forget that?

"I know." Lila scoots closer to Adrien. I bite down on my sleeve to keep myself from screaming: Get away from Adrien, you crow! "It's been like that since I transferred here. I think Marinette's jealous of me or something."


"I think so, too," Adrien whispers, and my heart sinks. He can't be serious. "It's getting worse, Lila. I'm worried about Marinette." Worried about me? What about the vulture sitting next to you, Adrien! You better watch your back before she stabs it. I catch the last part of Adrien's sentence. "She's taking this whole feud too far and I'm scared."

You're scared, Adrien? I'm absolutely terrified.

Lila grabs Adrien's hand.

Don't do it, Marinette. Do not throw Lila out the window. You're on the first floor so the damage wouldn't be much.

"I understand perfectly, Adrien. Actually, I was outside the door listening to your conversation." Not surprised. "I can tell your heart is conflicted."

I've had enough of this. Backing up, I quietly make my escape and sit on the staircase. It finally happened, what Lila promised me so long ago when she first threatened me in the bathroom. She would take my friends and Adrien away from me. Lila's finally succeeded. I have nothing. I have no one. My shoulders slump forward as I start crying and I bury my face in my hands. How could Adrien do this to me? How could he say those things about me? How could he think I'm this horrible monster when it's actually Lila? How could I be so stupid?

The doors swing open and I duck in time before Lila can see me. "Like taking candy from a baby," She whispers to herself, walking off back to class with a smirk on her face. Angry, I storm down the stairs and race into the locker room.

Adrien looks over and smiles when he notices it's me. "Oh, hey Marinette!" He frowns. "Mari? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I thought I knew you, Adrien, but I guess I was wrong!" My cheeks are hot and wet with tears as I walk up to him, heart breaking with every heavy step I take. "All that time we spent getting closer, becoming so called 'best friends'. None of it meant anything! Did it?"

"What?" Adrien's eyes widen. "What are you talking about?"

Laughing, I shake my head and say, "Wow! You can't even admit it! I heard what you were telling Lila about me." I point to where they were sitting on the bench. "How I'm a monster and I need professional help. If you really thought of me like that, Adrien, then why did you go through the trouble of falling in love with me? Or was that for sympathy points?"

"No!" Adrien shakes his head fast and steps forward. "It wasn't like that at all, Mari. I swear. You have to believe me. I didn't mean anything I said. You asked me to trick Lila and I did. Look, I'll prove it." He pulls out his phone and shows me a video. Lila and Adrien are in the frame from a low angle, like he had secretly filmed her. I step closer to get a better look.

"Yeah, I guess starting that whole pregnancy rumor was wrong of me. I'll admit, I'm a little jealous of Marinette. She's so pretty and perfect and everyone likes her. I don't know why."

My jaw drops. No freaking way.

Adrien pauses the video and puts his phone away. "I was secretly recording her. I knew if I kept talking long enough she would slip and confess about starting that rumor."

"Oh, really?" I ask, embarrassed now. I just went off on Adrien for no reason. Lila didn't brainwash him, or manipulate him to change sides. He was protecting me. "Wow, this is embarrassing."

"Mari, I get why you went off on me. I'd be mad too if my friend started saying horrible things about me." He grabs my shoulders and gives a reassuring smile. "You know those things aren't true. It killed me to say them, but I knew it would work. To get on Lila's good side. I'm sorry if I took it too far."

Lowering my head in shame, I whisper, "It's okay," and stare at my shoes.

"I promise, Mari..." Adrien tilts my chin up and forces me to look him in the eye. "None of those things I said are true. I don't believe them. You're not some manipulative, controlling, crazy monster. You're one of the most caring people I know. Now we have what we need to expose Lila once and for all."

Taking in a deep breath, I wipe my sleeve under my eyes and straighten my shoulders. "You're right. We do."

"Honestly, I thought it was going to be harder than that." Adrien takes out his phone again. "Should we take the video to Mr. Damocles now or during lunch?"

"Neither," I tell him, grabbing his phone and shoving it back in his pocket. "Not yet, Adrien."

"Not yet?" Adrien questions, confused. "What do you mean? This can all finally be over! Isn't that what you want?"

I roll my eyes. "Obviously, Adrien, but Lila's made my life a living hell ever since she stepped into this school. Just handing that video over doesn't seem right. I think the punishment should fit the crime. We're going to expose her at her own birthday party."

"Isn't that taking it too far?"

I turn and glare at Adrien. "Oh, and Lila telling everyone I'm pregnant isn't?"

He sighs. "Fair point. Okay, we'll do it your way, Mari. Are you sure you want to wait two weeks, though?"

I nod. "Absolutely. Give Lila two weeks to think she's won, that she's so clever and after all this time she's finally beaten me. Let her celebrate her birthday with a false victory, then at her party, in front of all of Paris, we'll show everyone the truth. We'll have sweet justice."

"Okay, take a chill pill, Mari." Adrien grabs my hand. "We should get to class now."

I follow Adrien to class and the room falls silent as we walk in. All eyes on me. I hate this so much. I rush to my seat and sit down, finally noticing the different colored papers on my desk, and open to read them. They're all supporting and encourage notes from my classmates, congratulating and hoping for a safe pregnancy. I give everyone a shy smile before lowering my head on the desk. Stupid Lila. I know she put everyone up to this. That way if the truth gets out before her birthday, I'll look like the jerk who made everyone care for no reason at all.

I spend the rest of class perfecting my ultimate plan to take down Lila Rossi once and for all.

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