31- Mooncaster

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Gabriel's POV

Three Days Later

I face Emelie and rest a hand against the glass, the cold encasement that's keeping her alive. I still suspect Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She can't be completely clueless about the miraculous. There haven't been any sightings of Ladybug, but that doesn't mean she doesn't carry the earrings on her. "I need to be certain, Nathalie. We have to be positive Marinette isn't carrying the ladybug miraculous on her person."

"Everything's going to plan so far. Lila has been instructed to get under Chloe's skin, like you asked, sir."

"Excellent." A smirk grows on my face and I turn away from my face to face Nathalie. "Lila Rossi has proven herself to be loyal. I'm thinking about taking it a step further and revealing myself to her."

Nathalie raises an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell her you're Hawk Moth?"

I nod. "Yes. Then she'll really see my mission and it'll show me if I can trust her or not. If things go well today..."

"Adrien's already on his way to school. He just left." Nathalie walks over. "Do you really think she'd use the miraculous if she had it with her?"

"Absolutely. I know how Marinette feels for my son. If she's carrying those earrings, then she'll become Ladybug to protect him."

Nathalie looks up at me. "And if she doesn't? Is putting Adrien and his classmates at risk really worth it?"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take, Nathalie."

Adrien's POV

I wait for Marinette on the steps of the school, repeatedly checking the time on my phone. She's going to be late if she doesn't hurry up. After our third date yesterday, I've been so excited to see her. It was so much fun being superheroes together. Unfortunately, she did all of that with Cat Noir and not Adrien Agreste, so I can't even talk about it with her, yet. As I stand up, Chloe comes walking up to me. "Oh, hey Chloe. What's up?"

"Hi, Adrien." Chloe rolls her eyes and sighs. "I just wanted to apologize for not being a good friend. You and Marinette are clearly meant to be together and I'm sure the baby doesn't make things any easier."

I know I should defend Marinette's honor, convince Chloe that Lila's a liar, but if I do than our plan is ruined. I'm respecting Marinette's wishes to wait. "Thanks, Chloe," I say instead, frowning. I hate lying.

"So, have you picked out any names yet?" Chloe asks, grinning. "If it's a girl, you should name her Chloe."

"I don't think Marinette would approve of that," I tell her, blunt. I know how Marinette feels about her. "But that's a good one."

Chloe huffs and crosses her arms. "Like anything you come up with will be any better."

Marinette comes running up the stairs and I've never been more glad to see her. "I'm not late, am I?" She trips and drops her sketchbook. I kneel down and help her up. "Thanks, Adrien."

"Just in time, Mari."

Chloe faces her. "Congrats on the baby, Dupain-Cheng. I don't usually listen to gossip about you, especially if it comes from Lila Rossi, but Adrien's my best friend so I guess I have to be supportive now. I just want you to know I hate Lila more than I can't stand you."

"Thanks?" Marinette asks, confused.

Chloe nods before striding back into the school.

"Did you forgot to set your alarm?" I ask her as we start heading to class.

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