38- The Masquerade Ball (Part 2)

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Adrien's POV

Three Hours Before

I've never been more excited to leave the house than I am tonight. Even if it's to Lila's stupid birthday masquerade ball, I still get to see Marinette, and that makes it worth it. Tonight, I'm going to tell Marinette everything. I have it all planned out. When I give Nino the signal, he'll play our song, and we'll dance, and I'll confess everything to her. There'll be no more secrets between us. With my tux hanging from a hook on the door, I run a lint roller over the fabric, getting fur Plagg somehow has off, and the door opens. I look over and see Nathalie walk in. "Hey, Nathalie."

"Hi, Adrien-" She cuts herself off, coughing, and grabs the wall for support.

I drop the lint roller and walk over. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine." Nathalie clears her throat. "Your father would like to speak with you in his office."

That's weird, he never wants to talk to me. "Okay..." I follow her out of the room and downstairs. "You wanted to see me, father?"

"Adrien..." Father slowly turns towards me and the look on his face has me absolutely terrified, like I've been caught doing something I didn't go. "Would you like to explain some rumors I'm hearing? About you and Miss Dupain-Cheng expecting a child?"

Shit. This isn't good. "Like you said, they're just rumors, Father. Marinette's not pregnant. Lila made all that up."

"Why would Lila do something like that, Adrien?" He questions, soon towering over me. "Lila has nothing against you. She would never hurt my son."

"Father, it's all Lila's fault! While Marinette was living here, she was convincing everyone at school that Marinette was pregnant. It's not true-"

He raises a firm hand and cuts me off. "All those night I left the two of you alone... I let that girl in my house and what does she do?! She violates you! She's ruining the brand! She's ruining our family name!"

"It's not like that! Marinette did nothing wrong! Nothing ever happened between us." Which is half true, but I'm not about to reveal my superhero identity.

"I will not have that poor, washed up, baker girl ruin everything I have worked and done for this company!" Father shouts at me, stepping closer until my back hits the door and he's in my face. "She is not going to trap you, Adrien. Trust me. I let you have too much freedom, so as of today consider it gone. You will remain homeschooled, you will never leave this house, and you are never to see that girl again!"


"Do I make myself clear, Adrien?"

"But the masquerade ball tonight-"

He shakes his head. "I forbid you from attending, Adrien. Instead, you will do something useful, like playing your piano or studying for your Chinese lessons. Do you understand?"

I lower my head, sighing. Why can't I have the confidence to stand up to my father? "Yes, Father."

"Good." Father turns away from me. "Now go to your room. You're grounded."

Already leaving, I whisper, "Yes, Father." My shoulders slump as I walk back to my room. I fall against the couch, empty and numb. "I hate living here," I mumble into the cushion, and scream. My phone buzzes and I check it.

Nino: Yo, dude! Excited for the ball tonight? Alya told me Marinette's gonna be there ;)

Seeing her name makes me smile, but it soon fades.

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