9- The Perfect Plan

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Gabriel's POV

Nathalie walks out to me in the garden, facing her tablet towards me. "Sir, Adrien is back home, and he's brought a guest with him."

"A guest?" I question, turning to face her. "Doesn't my son know his friends are not allowed over?"

"I'm sure you'll make an exception this time, sir." Nathalie taps the screen on one of the cameras. "Adrien's hoping you'll let his classmate stay here for a while."

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" My eyes widen and a smirk grows on my face. "Oh, how wonderful. They're making it so easy for me." I watch as Adrien and his classmate walk through the front gates, talking and laughing about something. "This is even better than I had planned."

Nathalie looks down at her tablet and types something. "What's the new plan, sir?"

"Before, I was trying to find a way to get Marinette Dupain-Cheng alone, vulnerable, but with Cat Noir being her personal bodyguard, as I witnessed the other night, that seems nearly impossible."

Marinette trips on one of the steps and Adrien catches her. So, this little red bug is in love with my son. Does Adrien know she's Ladybug?

"I had been planning all these strategic plans to trap her again, and here she comes with my son, creating her own."

Nathalie looks up at me. "Do you believe what she says? That she doesn't know where the earrings are?"

"At first I didn't, but that old croon for a guardian would have hidden them. From her, especially." I turn away from her. "Which is why we now need to lure Cat Noir out, trap him, and take his miraculous."

"How do you plan to do that, sir?"

I glance back at the tablet as Adrien and Marinette walk through the front doors. "I'll use that girl as bait. Hopefully, that will make the stupid cat come. I'm relying on his feelings for her."

"Nathalie!" I hear my son call out from the foyer. "Is my father around? I need to speak with him."

"Would you like me to let Adrien know you're busy—"

I raise my hand, stopping her. "No. Let's use this to our advantage." Clearing my throat, I head back inside, standing on top of the staircase that leads down to the foyer. Adrien and his classmate stand there. I can't help but notice the fear written all over Marinette's face. "Adrien, what is the meaning of this? You know I don't allow your friends to come over."

Adrien takes a step forward. "Father, Marinette needs to stay with us for a while."

If I give in right away, it'll only make me look suspicious, and I can't have Adrien and that bug catching on to me anytime soon. "And why is that Adrien?" What will my son's excuse be?

"Because..." Adrien looks at Marinette. "Because Marinette has a stalker!"

That's my son's excuse? Marinette Dupain-Cheng has a stalker? Why is he asking me this, and what is he helping her with? Adrien has to know her secret identity, right?

"A stalker?" I question, wondering how far he's going to take this. I will find out why Adrien's going through all this trouble to lie and help his classmate. There has to be a reason. "I had no idea. You should have come to me with this sooner, Adrien."

My son's eyes widen. "I should have? Oh! Right. Yes, I should have, but we were scared."

I start walking down the stairs towards them, and I stop and ask Marinette, "Have you been getting threats, Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

"I, uh..." Marinette stumbles over her words. "A few, yes. Just some creepy texts."

Hmm. Maybe Adrien's not lying. Maybe Marinette does in fact have a stalker. After what happened at the photoshoot, I wouldn't doubt it. "Under these circumstances, I guess I must let you stay here."

"Wait, really?" Adrien asks. "Marinette can stay?"

"Your friend Marinette has been very loyal to the Agreste brand." I raise my hand, snapping, and Nathalie walks out of my office. Marinette could be of use to me. I've seen her designs, and I have to admit, she's extremely talented. It would be a waste not to let her design my next fashion line. After all, I might as well put that talent to use while she's here. "And to my son. I will let you stay, Miss Dupain-Cheng, on one condition."

Her eyes light up with her smile. It's sickening, almost. "Anything."

To seal the deal, I give her a smile, and I swear the fear is back on her face. Good. I need her scared. "I admire your talent and I would like you to design my next fashion line. All original. All new."

Marinette's eyes widen. "Are you serious?"

I nod. "Yes. I've been watching and studying your work and I can't help but be impressed. I believe your addition will be excellent to our brand. That is, if Adrien thinks so." I need my son on board. I need Marinette to have someone believe in her.

"Yes!" Adrien cheers, smiling at his classmate. "Yes, she's amazing! Uh, that's amazing."

"Well, then it's settled." Turning my back towards them, I open the door to my office, adding, "Show your guest to her room, Adrien, and be back down in fifteen minutes for dinner."

He smiles. "You're having dinner with us, father?"

I shake my head, telling him, "No. I'm far too busy at the moment, Adrien, but now you have company. Please, don't disturb me the rest of the night, as I'm not feeling well." My son's smile fades. "If you have any concerns, please call Nathalie." I shut the door before they can say anything else.

"You're not going to have dinner with Adrien, sir?" Nathalie questions as we head down to the basement. I walk across the bridge to my beloved wife, bless her soul, while she lays there in a coma. I'll bring her back. I'm already halfway there. "Don't you want to make his guest feel welcomed?"

"I have other things to worry about, Nathalie," I whisper, placing my hand on the glass that incases my wife. "I'm already a step ahead of Ladybug and Cat Noir. I cannot make any mistakes. This plan has to be perfect. No matter how long it takes, I will bring Emilee back. Even if I have to use Adrien or his classmate, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

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