33- Milady

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Cat Noir's POV

Racing through the waters, I chase after Mooncaster, hoping to stop her before she can cause any more damage. This is the toughest villain I've fought, at least by myself. If Ladybug were here, she'd know what to do—

What is that?

A red and black shadow flies over me and I look up to catch it. It disappears. Was I seeing things? I could have sworn it looked like...

No. That's impossible. She's gone.

I jump out of the water, standing on the edge of a still-standing building. I need to hurry before Paris is covered in water. Mooncaster stands on top of the Eiffel Tower, taking pride in what she's done. "Revenge isn't your only option, Mooncaster!" I need to break Chloe's mind from Hawkmoth. It's the only way.

Mooncaster jumps and is now floating on a crater. Her eyes glow bright as she stares down at me. "You dare challenge me, Catfish?"

Offended, I shout, "Hey, I make the nicknames around here! Cataclysm!" I raise my hand and use my staff to extend myself, pressing a palm to the crater. It crumbles. Mooncaster and I fall in the water. I push myself forward, reaching for Mooncaster's clip when the water starts receding.


I throw my staff through the subway railing and hold on as the flood disappears. As I look back at Mooncaster, she's become Chloe again. Something red snatches the purple akuma and it becomes pure white.

That could only mean...

"Plagg, power down." Once the water's gone, I take off running, chasing blindly in the direction I saw that red glare. Adrenaline pumps through me. I'm probably chasing after a daydream, a hope, but I need to be sure. I had to be sure. There's the red and black shadow again. I run faster. I have to know. I turn down an alley and stop. My jaw drops and my eyes fall into a trance. There she is: Ladybug. Same old spots and pigtails. I must be dreaming. Ladybug gave up her miraculous. What if this is a trick from Hawkmoth? There's only one way to find out.


Ladybug's raised arms falls and she spins around. It's her. She's here. She's real. Her eyes widen and she drops her yo-yo. "C-Cat Noir? What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" I walk up to her and I'm surprised she doesn't run. Thunder roars above us as it starts raining. "I thought you gave up your miraculous! What's going on?"

"I..." Ladybug takes in a deep breath and sighs. "It's a long story, Cat Noir."

I cross my arms and wait for her to continue. "Okay. I'm listening."

"Cat, I have to go! Master Fu said you couldn't see me."

"Oh, really? Well, bad luck I guess, huh?" Standing here in front of Ladybug, after all this time, is bringing out every emotion I've kept locked up. I finally moved on. I was okay without Ladybug. How can she come back and do this to me? "I'm waiting, Ladybug."

She frowns. "I-I saw how bad you were struggling with Mooncaster and I had to help! So I followed you and found Master Fu's secret location."

My eyes widen. "What? You followed me? Did... did you see me transform?"

"No, I swear!" She raises her right hand. "I looked away when you walked in and out. Bug's honor. I ran in and convinced Master Fu to give me the ladybug miraculous."

My cat ears perk up. "Wait, so you're back?"

"No, Kitty..." Ladybug shakes her head. "This was a one-time thing. I wasn't supposed to let you see me!"

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