28- Conflict of Heart

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Adrien's POV

The Next Morning

I pace back and forth outside the bakery, checking the time on my phone. Marinette isn't Marinette without being late, even if she lives so close to the school. It took me a half hour to convince my bodyguard to drop me off outside Marinette's so I could walk her to school. Even if she isn't living at my house anymore, I'll spend any free time I have by her side to keep her safe. Who knows what Hawkmoth will do next.

The front door opens and Marinette runs out, stumbling into me. "Sorry! Oh, Adrien? What are you doing here?"

There's bags under her eyes from our late conversation on her balcony last night. She's so cute you can barely notice. "I thought that just because we aren't living together doesn't mean we can't walk to school together."

Marinette smiles. I swear the whole world lights up when she does. I reach out and grab her hand as we cross the street. "As friends though, right?"

That stings my heart. Taste of my own bittersweet medicine. Why did I have to say that word all the time? "What, can't friends hold hands when they cross the street?"

"Not when they're still holding holds after they've already crossed," Marinette points out, lifting our arms.

"Oh. Sorry." I let go of her hand and smile. "You know what I heard recently? Friends kiss, too. It doesn't have to just be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Marinette rolls her eyes. "Cute, Adrien, but I should probably let you know that I have a boyfriend now." She pauses. "I think."

I grin, asking, "Oh? Who?"

"Cat Noir," She whispers as we walk up the front steps. "But you can't tell anyone, okay? You saw what happened with you and Ladybug. The whole city went mad."

Yeah. I remember. I place my right hand over my heart. "I promise not to say anything, Marinette."

"Thank you."

As we walk into school, our classmates start whispering to each other, watching us with careful eyes. "What's going on?"

"Marinette!" Alya comes out of nowhere, running over to give her best friend a hug. "I am so, so sorry, Marinette! Please, forgive me. I've been such a horrible friend. I'm sorry for the way I treated you before."

Marinette smiles. "Of course I forgive you, Alya. You're my best friend. I can't stay mad at you forever. You deserve an explanation and I promise I will tell you everything after school."

"Good!" Alya grins from ear to ear. "Because I am so excited to be an aunt!"

"What?" Marinette and I ask.

Alya glances down at Marinette's stomach. "Oh, come on. You're keeping it, right? I mean, it's been almost three months already, so you must. Ahh! This is so exciting."

"What you talking about, Alya?" Marinette asks, as confused as I am. I have no idea what she's talking about.

Alya stares at her. "Girl, come on. You know what I'm talking about! Your baby."

"MY WHAT?!" Marinette yells with wide eyes. She steps closer to Alya as she pulls her aside. "Why do you think I'm pregnant, Alya?"

"It was kind of obvious, Mari." Alya starts counting off her fingers. "Missing school, spending all your time with Adrien, ditching every picnic. You're pregnant! Congrats, by the way. That's all everyone's talking about. But don't worry! We all support you. Nino, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, Ivan, Nathaniel, Marc. Chloe, even. The whole class supports you. Are you going to keep the baby or give it up for adoption?"

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