Kiyotaka's......nee san?! part 2

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Ayanokoji PoV

Matsuki:" Taka Kun~ let's go shopping! "

I was being dragged by my sister to Keyaki mall.

Kiyotaka:" Stop. I can walk! "

Matsuki:" Then walk faster! "

I sighed and followed her as she lets go of my hand.

Kiyotaka: "Matsuki, why are you even here? "

She gives me a cold smile to which I immediately cursed my carelessness .

Kiyotaka: "Sorry.... Nee-san, why are you even here? "

She goes back to her usual aura.

Why does she seem so visibly happy when I call her nee san or something like that?
Did she develop some kind of fetish-
Actually if that were the case, that could've explained a lot of what she has shown and done to me the past few years...

Matsuki:" I just wanted to see how my little brother was doing~ I was really disappointed with the no outside contact rule of this school. "

I actually liked that rule since it kept me away from that man and....

From you...

Matsuki:" Ara~ I have a feeling you said something bad about me in your mind Taka-kun "

She smirks at me.

Kiyotaka:  "Yes. I did. "

After she raped peaceful life cha- I mean , after she destroyed what I THOUGHT was going to be my lucky day...

Teasing her is the LEAST I could do as payback....

For now.

Matsuki:" That hurts my heart you know~?  Haah~ I thought you would stand up from your seat, run to me and then hug me in front of the class you know? And then you'd tell me that you missed me so much , but instead I got an ungrateful little brother who tried to ignore my existence and tried to DELETE his own! "

What she said was 100% true.

Kiyotaka: "Seriously? You think I would do something embarassing like that? "

Matsuki: "It's romantic no~? "

Kiyotaka: "We are siblings. There should be no romance involved in our type of relationship."

She pouts at my statement.

Matsuki: "Hmph! "

As we walk around the mall and entered stores that interested her. I started to recall what happened earlier at lunch time.

( Flashback Chan: It seem we have met again....anyways... Flashback to lunch time.)

It was lunchtime and when I tried to stand up, my friends approached me.

Haruka: "Kiyopon! "

Here it comes....

Matsuki: "Pfft... Kiyopon? How adorable! Is that what all the girls call you here?"

No, and I am glad that is not the case.

Haruka: "Are you guys really siblings?! "

Akito: "Haruka, Im pretty sure Kiyotaka made that clear by calling her 'nee san"

Keisei: "Have you gone deaf? "

Haruka glared at Keisei and Akito which both shut them up.

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