Bookworms don't go well with Tyrants

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She couldn't leave the school. An hour after dismissal, everyone had already gone while she was still spending her time at the library and she failed to realize that it'd already begun raining, and that today's library closing would come a lot earlier due to some new renovations taking place. 

She was left standing at the exit of the school building, staring at the rain with grievance. Not only did the librarian asked her to leave early, and not only did the rain befall on her-- but she'd forgotten her umbrella back at the dorm. It's not certain how long the rain would last, if it would lessen or not, but it's heavily likely that it'd only get worse and she'd have to resort to staying in the empty classrooms to sleep for the evening.

Well, not like she isn't used to that already...

She often fell asleep with book in hand, after all.

Still....she'd rather not, since it didn't really do good for her back.

" You didn't bring your umbrella?"

A suprising voice brought her back out of her thoughts. In a daze, she slowly turned her head to the one who called out to her. A familiar figure met her eyes, his build was slim and just towering above hers, his magenta coloured hair remained smooth as ever and his eyes sharp and discerning.

He was intimidating, she knew.

" No...I forgot."

But she smiled because of familiarity that others don't seem to have with him.


He stared at her, the only girl who'd dare smile at him. He knew her well, and yet it still stuns him. He usually wore a grin himself, mostly to mock people for his own amusement, or to test them and move forward with what he had anticipated for them. But with her, he lays it off, content with a thin layer to wear as his eyes scan the frame of her face, boredly, and lost.

And when she speaks, his ears get enraptured into her tone.

" I didn't expect it to rain today...I forgot to check the weather report. I was so engrossed in what I was reading the entire day so..."

When she explains, he really couldn't care less, it's just that for some reason having her go on and scrabble for a suitable explanation for anything, keeps him entertained. Sometimes, if not most times, her excuses slowly transform into rambles of her day. He never says a thing, he doesn't know what to say, her personality was....unfathomable to him to say the least. Their interests differed vastly, and he'd rather scheme another class takedown than read a book.



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