Goldenberyl ( 5 )

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" This is a bad idea." Miyako muttered.

" This is a risky one," Aqua muttered.

" This is a great idea!" Ruby beamed as she kicked her feet in her seat, " I can't wait!"

"..." Kiyotaka had nothing to add on, his gaze was focused on the passing buildings.

The manager was driving the car with Ai's triplets. Their destination being the mini-concert where B-Komachi ( though they only care about Ai ) will perform. Ruby didn't even try to hide her excitement as her eye looked even more starry than before, Aqua was admittedly uncertain but not any less excited at the prospect of seeing the Ai Hoshino perform live. Something he was never able to have to time to see due to his previous medical occupation.

And as for Kiyotaka. He's only waiting for the results of this little experiment, just to see if Aqua's previous words could shatter the boy's philosophy. Ai succeeding would only be a by-product of the result if it goes well, but it's not like he intends to see her fail either. After all, what he proposed was quite risky and could very well spell the end of their peaceful days-- but seeing the look on Ai's face from the other night. For some reason, he couldn't help but try something, anything at all to give her the boost she needs. To reach for her selfless dream.

He didn't care about the dream itself, he only thought it was admirable.

What he wants to know, is if given the opportunity, can she reach it?


" Oh my gosh, there it is! The stage!" Ruby squealed in her stroller.

" Shh! Quiet down." Miyako whispered with a distraught expression, obviously feeling pressured about possibly getting caught.

" S-Sorry," Ruby whispered back, genuinely apologetic. " it's just...I can't help it. It's been my dream to see mama perform live..."

" Still, we can't let our identities be compromised. Don't do anything that could arouse attention, Ruby." Aqua whispered.

" I know, I know..." Ruby said before proceeding to gather her composure. " Besides, I'm not here just to have fun. I'm worried for mama too."

" If any of you cause trouble, I'm going to be the one taking the brunt of it all from the president..." Miyako wanted to cry at the moment, why did she relent to their wishes again? Oh, right. Because they're reincarnations of god.

Just think about happy thoughts, Miyako. Think about a handsome future husband that will be your due reward....

For the time being, Miyako repeated that thought inside her head as a mantra to soothe her worries.

Meanwhile, Kiyotaka's eyes were scanning their environment. There were plenty of people around and the room was full to the brim. Though compared to what he's seen from other entertainment audiences, this was nothing compared to performers who use the Dome. Where the real entertainers start their march to the stars. Still, though the numbers may be underwhelming in his standards-- this wasn't a bad place at all. The fact there's even this many of them here proves that Ai's idol group was successful at the least within its sphere.

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