Goldenberyl ( Epilogue )

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" Luckily, you brought him in time. We placed him on antibiotics and some painkillers to help him heal. Both of his hands should be wrapped in that cast for the time being." The doctor said to Miyako.

" How long till' he can take it off?" Miyako asked, glancing to Kiyotaka's hands.

" An estimated recovery for about 3 - 4 weeks, though if i were to say. The damage is a bit too much for a kid his age so it might even take a month or more. We had to surgically realign a few bones in the knuckle due to how severe it was." The doctor sighed. " I'll prescribe you some medicine to apply to him daily so the treatment can go as smooth as possible. If there are any unusual reactions from the medicine, or unusual activity exhibited from our little patient, then please immediately book an appointment to consult with me. "

" I understand." Miyako nods.

" Ah, before I forget." The doctor turns to Kiyotaka with a curious look. " Son, how did you say your hands turned out like this again?"

The doctor wasn't able to ask because as soon as Kiyotaka arrived, immediate attention had to be done and questions would have to be asked later.

"...." But Kiyotaka was unresponsive.

"....When I came home, he was crying." Miyako quickly began to answer in his place. " Next thing I know, as soon as I went to him, it seems that through my own irresponsibility for leaving the kids in the house for a bit. He....erm...accidentally jammed his hands at the door."

" But for an injury that severe to come from a door..." The doctor narrowed his eyes at Miyako. " Are you sure you're telling me the truth?"

" Yes, I am." Though feeling pressured, Miyako had to keep up their cover, especially now that Ai is...

" I see." The doctor sighs again, writing down on his patient report. " Well, though I am not a parent, I'll have to say that you must make sure this never happens again. For the sake of your children, they're still at a very fragile age and although their cells are younger and easier to respond to bone and muscle repairs, things could've still taken a turn for the worse."

The doctor then instructs the nurse to bring him a specific prescription before turning back to Miyako.

" As a doctor, I implore you that I never have to see your children here again because of an incident like this. Understood?" He spoke seriously, and with genuine concern.

Miyako painfully smiles. " Y-You're right, it's my fault. I'll make sure this won't happen again. Thank you, doctor." She said before bowing.

" Stay safe now."




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