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" Akane-san, how is it like to be in love? "

The purple haired woman nearly dropped her cup of tea at that. The soon-to-be Horikita Akane never expected to receive a question like that.... from her husband-to-be's younger sister no less! She coughs awkwardly before trying on a calm smile as best she could before peach brown eyes meet gradient reds.

" What brought this about all of a sudden, Suzune-san? " She asked. " Are you perhaps... finally in love? "

" I didn't say that." Suzune says, though Akane didn't seem to miss the spread of red on the younger girl's face. " I'm just curious about the feeling."

Akane takes note of the way the girl was acting right now. How her hands strayed to be straight on her lap, nervously fidgeting, and though she tried to put on a stone-collared face, her eyes betrayed her emotions. There was uncertainty in them. And the longing for some sort of answer, a suitable formula to her equation. The purple haired woman sets her cup down with a kind smile, Suzune briefly reminded her of how she used to act around Manabu back then.

" Well, if you must know," Akane begins to speak with a comfortable tone. It's always been like that, whenever it came to be about the man she loves. " It is... a wonderful feeling. But it's also quite scary." She said.

" Scary?" 

" Mhm."

" How so?"

Akane laughs. " Well, when you love someone. You make room for them in your heart, you know? And they don't just fill it immediately. You need to be certain they love you back too, or else it'd just be a vacant space." She presses a hand to her chest. " And for nearly three years, that space in my heart had been left vacant by your brother. Waiting for the one day where he'd finally decide to stay in it. To stay with me."

Then she places her hand back to her lap. " It's scary because.... you never know if they'll ever occupy that spot you made for them. And you're left to wonder. To think. What if they don't feel the same as you do? That would mean the space in your heart would turn to a void. A void that could be filled by the next person you fall in love with.... or in other cases, a void that could never be filled unless it was that one person you fell in love with first." Akane sighs, reminiscing that precise fear and uncertainty. Some nights she just couldn't seem to sleep, and she'd stay up late just thinking about him. It's sheer hell especially for a secretary of the student council. 

Suzune bit her lip. That was strangely similar to what she's.... no. There's no need to go there, at least that what she's telling herself. But she couldn't help but feel the memories surging in, especially the memory of the night before graduation. What started as pleasant became bitter that next morning.

" Did you ever get hurt by him?"

Suzune shoots her hand to her mouth, cursing silently that she let it slip so easily. Akane didn't miss the girl's pungent tone of voice when she asked that. There were a lot of unsaid words behind one simple question, and it aroused Akane's worry. Yet before she could ask about that, Suzune spoke first.

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