Kiyotaka's.......nee san(s)?! Part 3

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I honestly had no idea what to write for part 3. But a certain person that goes by the name of  Dkbuttowski sent an idea thru dm.

So yeah credits to that human being and hopefully you will enjoy part 3.

Ayanokoji PoV

I was being dragged around the mall by two girls.

Matsuki and Asahina-senpai.

Apparently,  they are having a contest on who can be the better older sister for me....

What is even the point in this...

Oh, right. There are people who've been reading my thoughts so I'll fill you in on what happened with a good ol flashback.

Flashback to Lunchtime... 

( Author: Were you expecting Flashback-chan? No? Wow, that would probably hurt her feelings. Anyways she is taking a break because she's being a fucking tsundere and felt like she's not respected enough.   Flashback chan keeps bringing up the PAST while Timeskip chan always moves towards the FUTURE. Which is exactly why Timeskip chan is best gi- ahem sorry off topic)

It was currently lunch time and I was approached by my sister

Matsuki: Ne~ let's eat together Taka-kun!

I sighed and looked at her

Kiyotaka: "Don't you have your own group? How about you hang out with the other girls."

She pouts and gets behind me

Wait...what is she going to-

She pinches my cheeks from behind and shaking my head

Kiyotaka: "O-Oi!"

This was embarassing, everyone was staring at us with amused looks. Especially the compass devil named "Horikita Suzune"

I grabbed Matsuki's hands and forced her to stop pinching my cheeks. feels sore....

I turned my head around to look at Matsuki with an annoyed look ( hopefully)

Kiyotaka: "Stop doing that."

Matsuki:" Why are you trying to avoid eating with me hm~? you have a secret girlfriend that I am not aware of?"

I felt multiple gazes on me as she asked that question.

But Matsuki asked that question with a cold smile.

Kiyotaka:" Look-"

Asahina:" Ayanokoji-kun ~"

Oh no...why did she come here.

I was trying to tell Matsuki that I had a lunch date with Asahina-senpai to discuss certain things, but now that Asahina-senpai is here...

I noticed Matsuki's eyes widen in suprise and then her eyes darken slightly when she looked at Asahina-senpai...


Asahina-senpai approached me, she took a glance at Matsuki but then focuses her attention on me.

Asahina:" Shall we go, Kiyo-kun~?"

Why. Just why.

Is there some sort of person who likes to see me suffer like this?

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