Hit me, Ayanokoji!

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Here it is. I did it.

Female Ryuuen x Ayanokoji

Or should I say,

Ryuuen Kanata ( credits to MightyAsmodeus for the name )

Once he gave me that name, this idea formed in my head.

And here is what Ryuuen-chan will look like.


Ayanokoji PoV

" Oi! Fight me, huhuhu~ "  a voice said.

I sighed and kept walking.

" OI! DON'T IGNORE ME YOU FKING MONSTER" The girl said and walked beside me.

I can't believe this became the outcome of my actions....

" Leave me alone, Ryuuen." I said.

" Not until I get a rematch, Ayanokoji! " she barked back

Among all the endings I predicted, I never would have thought that she would try to come back at me like this.

I beat up her lackeys, I showed her the feeling of fear, I played her on multiple occasions....

I thought it would break her and perhaps make her think about leaving the school....

But ever since that day I saved Karuizawa....

Ryuuen Kanata has been annoying me non-stop.

Asking for a rematch and trying to force any type of emotional reaction from me.

" It's literally 6 am.....let me go to school in peace..." I muttered.

" No way, not until I break you! Or maybe unless you kneel down and kiss my feet!" She said while bursting in a fit of laughter.

She is one strange girl....

The most feared delinquent in our school, the ruthless tyrant of Class C, the one who won't hesitate to use underhanded tactics in order to win....

Defeated by someone like me, played her as if she were a pawn upon my board, showed her fear.

And yet....she refuses to back down, even after I destroyed her spirit....

" Ryuuen." I suddenly say.

" Hoh? Are you finally agree-"

" Are you some sort of masochist?" I asked her.

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