Dear Kiyotaka

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Dear Kiyotaka,

It's been a year since we put our past behind us. Since we graduated from the same school. Since you went off and disappeared to god knows where. Reluctantly, I find myself being curious of your whereabouts. Or how you're doing these days. Are you eating well? Has your cooking improved? Have you gotten less dull, or oblivious to the things around you?  I can already imagine the comment about being " oblivious " being thrown back at me, so don't bother replying with a cheeky remark like you tend to do. 

You must find this weird, don't you? Surely you must do. Even I can't believe it-- myself writing a letter to you? I don't even know where to send it to. I just...well, one day I simply decided to write this letter to you, from Manabu's suggestion. Ah, speaking of which, my brother has become CEO of his company! I'm quite proud of his achievements as always, and to us both, it must be expected. He is the best, after all.

But so were you.

Where have you gone, I do wonder. I doubt this letter will reach you, I'm only writing this out of my own whim, with feelings that are... quite unfamiliar yet familiar to me all the same. I don't know what I'm saying. Let this be the last letter I write to you.










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