A wish gone wrong 2

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Shoko PoV

The bus had finally arrived.

I felt like smiling as the doors opened for me.

One small step for me,

Another big leap for me!

I don't think that's how you're supposed to use the phrase.

Don't care~

I went in the bus and noticed a few students wearing the same uniform as me.

Nice. I'm one of the early stops.

With that, I can easily find the best seat.

I found an empty seat by the back.


I quickly sat down and occupied it.

I placed my bag on the seat next to me so nobody else would have to sit there.

How cruel.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills, Ayanokoji.

Wow. Where did you learn that line from?

Don't you know I'm quite the philosophical genius?

More like the sarcastic lunatic.

I clenched my fist as I received an insult from this piece of shit.

Oya? Making comebacks now, are we?

I don't have to be too submissive against you. I have dignity.

Wrong! You were born to be submissive and breedable!

Breedable? Men can't get pregnant, just so you know.

Tch. You ruined the joke, smartass.

I relaxed on my seat and began staring at the window to pass the time.

Having another person in your mind is troublesome and tiring.

I felt my stomach softly grumble.

Ugh. I'm hungry....

Don't you have any snacks in your bag?

No. I didn't bring any since I was in a hurry after getting distracted by the realization that another voice is occupying my head.

I see.

I should try to distract the hunger...

Hey, you said you wished to go back to the past and relive your days as a student, right?


If you wanted to go back to 2015.

Doesn't that mean we will run into the past you?

The past me.....

It might be possible....it might not be.


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