Happy Birthday Kiyotaka!

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Yep. KiyoKei.

Probably OOC and cringe

Oh and fun fact!

This was one of my first fanfics for COTE but I never published it because the writing sucked so I kept it in my notes.

When I rediscovered it, I couldn't help but share it to you all.

The direction is still the same, I simply revised it and added new dialogues and thoughts.


Third Person PoV

Today is Monday,  and a man can be seen teaching university students in his philosophy class. The man was a bit above average when it came to height, his hair slicked back and his eyes a golden brown color.

He wore a white collared polo with a black tie and black pants.

" Now class, I want to ask you a question. Do you believe society is equal?" The man asked his students with a smile

A girl raises her hand, and the man nods, signaling her to tell him her answer .

" Without a doubt, society can't possibly be equal. No matter how many people seem to fight for it, it's nearly impossible to achieve since many have different views on equality and our society." The girl answered confidently

The man gives another small smile and nods.

" Great answer,  Lauren. Your thoughts on my question are well appreciated. " The man complimented.

And then, another boy raised his hand and gained the attention of the professor.

" What is it, Sanders?" The man asked

The boy stood up and began asking his question.

" Professor Anderson, what are your thought about your own question?"

The class paid attention since the professor he has always been an interesting person to listen to.

The man chuckled in response

" To be honest, I don't really know. People's views can change easily sometimes, and I am not an exception ti that. But I'll tell you next time."

The class was a bit disappointed but they understood.

Soon, the bell rang, signaling their dismissal.

" Alright, everyone, please start keeping your things and proceed to your next classes. " The man said.

Everyone thanked him for the session and the man proceeded to the faculty building.

Ayanokoji PoV

It's still strange when I get called by the name of " Anderson"  or my full name like " Kiyo Anderson" .

Then again, a lot of things has happened after 9 years. Long story short, I didn't plan for it to be this way. What otherwordly force made me choose this way of life, you may ask?

That otherwordly force is my love for Karuizawa Kei.

Around the 3rd year, I was a bit torn. There was a feeling deep down, where I didn't want to say goodbye, to continue living in a blank canvas.

She was the one who colored that blank canvas. She made my emotions run wild when the time was slowly ticking. She stuck by my side till the very end.

And I didn't want to let her go.

But at the time, I wasn't really that resolved.

I acknowledged the fact that I wanted her to stay with me and run away with me. But....

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