Goldenberyl ( 7 )

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Three years have passed since Kiyotaka was reborn as the son of an idol.

Three years have passed since Kiyotaka began to feel certain changes within him. ( Very faint, but still very much there. )

Three years have passed since he's been given the name...Goldenberyl.

Seriously, no matter how he puts it, he doesn't feel as though he can ever stick with it for long. Sooner or later, once he's reached a certain age, he needs to be renamed into something less embarrassing. But putting that aside...

Three years have passed, and he feels as though he's finally close to uncovering the answer to his question; Can emotions be true? Or are they all just lies.

The subject he chose to test this experiment was Hoshino Ai. The idol who is his mother. For a while, he was absolutely certain that Ai's emotions were of the latter-- fake emotions to please the crowd around her. Such was expected of any ordinary idol in the industry, a sane person should never think that these popularized figures would ever return sincere feelings for their fans. Just like any other job, it was nothing more than a career to reach higher positions.

But 3 years ago, she caused a crack in what was supposed to be a definitive answer once and for all-- had she not shown such a sincere smile that day-- he would've been absolutely correct, as usual. But he was proven wrong, and it disturbed him. But it also aroused his curiosity even further, could she be the answer he needed in the past life? Moments before he died, he wondered what it would be like to have lived a more normal life than what he went through. A normal family that could show him the meaning of emotions. That could share to him that feeling. That could show him unconditional love to spark his own emotions.

His deepest desire was to drown in lies just like everyone else.

He was born without emotions, and he seeks for it. Perhaps this new family could provide him the closure he needs. If he was incapable or capable in the same lies that cover up a person's hollowness. But as close as he is, there's a lingering thought within that's telling him that he's still far away from it. Far away from understanding what it's really like to have that privilege.

But he can't give up now, can he? Not until his thoughts conclude with a final answer, with no redactions, or doubts. A definitive conclusion to it all.


But that's not all that happened since three years. No, remember short the film Ai was casted in? She absolutely slayed it. Because of her and Aqua's efforts-- though mostly Ai's -- the film was deemed quite a success, with its director even being awarded a Director's Prize at some award ceremony. 

Since then, she landed a lot more work. Appearing in several interviews, game shows, model work. and magazine covers. She was quickly rising to become an up-and-coming idol throughout the city. This type of acknowledgement certainly boosted her popularity, thus proving little by little that she wasn't just some ordinary idol. That Hoshino Ai had something special in her that differentiated her from everyone else.

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