I got a job, Sensei! ( btw stop smoking pls )

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More practice for dialogue-central writing!

1. Job

" So I followed your advice..."

" And?"

" And I got the job."

" Which is...?"

" I'm a gigolo now."

She stared at him, bewildered, and in horror. She was not exactly the most faithful when it comes to praying, since Chabashira deems herself an athiest who doesn't believe in karma inflicted by the gods. However, at this very moment, she began praying simultaneous to all available religions in the world to make sure that this kid was joking.

" I'm kidding."

She sighs in relief, perhaps praying does actually work once in a while. She returns to smoking her Marlboro red with peace of mind.

" Though, I wonder how that'd go for me. Do you think I'll find success if I do end up becoming an older woman's escort?"

" No woman wants a brat a like you."

" Not even you, Sensei?"

There was a glint in his eyes.

" Especially not me."

" I'll have you know, that while I may not have any dating experience under my belt--"

" Ah, so you're a loser alongside being a virgin."

" Ouch! What the hell was that for, sensei? That one was taken too far..."

" I'm only speaking the truth."

" You know, you've gotten a lot crueler to me these days with your remarks, Sensei. And here I was thinking that we were finally getting closer as neighbors."

Chabashira exhales the smoke, not bothering to remark on that.

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