The best night of my life part 2

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The rest of the band had walked off stage but Ross just stood there staring into the crowd around me. Everyone was just staring back at him curiously, wondering what the hell he was doing when he jumped off stage right in front of the crowd barriers and walked towards us. The girls started freaking out and screaming. I'm pretty sure I even saw a few faint. It was kinda sad. He stopped right at the barrier and whispered something into the big security guards' ear. He simply nodded his head and watched as Ross jumped the fence and walked amongst the screaming girls who wanted either a photo or an autograph. Or both.

He stopped right in front of me and smiled. I was really confused at this point, so I just stood there.
"Hi," Ross said to me. I could barely hear him over all the screaming in my ear.
"Were you talking to me?" I asked him
"Yeah," he replied. "I couldn't help but watch you throughout the first half of the show. And I have to say, I think you're really pretty."
"You are talking to me right?" I had to question him, I mean it was ROSS LYNCH giving me a huge compliment.
"Of course I'm talking to you. Unless there's another pretty girl wearing bright blue tights and fluro yellow converse in the crowd."
"Oh, well then thank you. Sorry I just had to make sure you were taking to me. I didn't want to look like an idiot"
"I don't think there's anything you could do that would make you look like an idiot."
I'm not one to blush or show my emotions much but I couldn't help but blush right then.
"So, what's your name?" Ross asked.
"Oh, right, my name is Kat or Trina. Whichever you prefer."
"Ok, Kat, how old are you then?"
"I'm 16"
"That's cool. I'm 19!"
"Yeah, I know. I am a fan. Haha"
"Right. Haha. Look I've gotta go back stage and see the rest of the band. But, uh, how would you like to come back stage after the concert?" He asked while he had his hand on the back of his head scratching his head nervously.
"Um, sure. Only if I can bring my friend and my brother," I said.
"Of course you can! I just need their names too," he said to me with a giant grin on his face.
"Right. My friend is Suzie and my brother is Ben."
"Cool, well I can't wait to talk to you guys later," he said right before winking at me and turning around and heading backstage.

At that moment I felt Suzie shake me violently.
"What?!" I screamed at her.
"What the hell was that. Ross freaking Lynch was talking to you and invited you backstage!!! How are you so calm right now!??!"
"I don't know. I guess I think this is a dream."
"Well this is no dream Jessica! This is real life and this is really happening to you."
I knew she was serious because she used my real name. I hate it when people do that.
"Suzie calm down. Just because you're freaking out doesn't mean Kat has to," my brother could see that Suzie was freaking me out more than what had just happened, and was trying to help me.
"I'm going to get a bottle of water. I'll be back in a few minutes." I said trying to excuse myself.

When I came back with water for Suz and Ben, I was getting death glares and weird looks from the rest of the crowd. I was kinda freaking out but I wasn't gonna let them see that. It felt like ages before R5 came back on stage and took the attention off of me.

The rest of the show was freakin' awesome. I honestly didn't think that they'd be as amazing as they have been. The entire second half I caught Ross looking at me and smiling. He even winked a few times making the girls near me including Suzie, swoon. But I also noticed the others staring at me during the show. Riker, Rocky and Ratliff were all looking at me with the same expression that Ross had. I have to say this is the weirdest night of my life.

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