Falling Asleep

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Ross' P.O.V.

Rocky and I had been working on a new song all day. It was one I'd written about Kat and I needed some help with the music. When we finally finished I just wanted to go home and spend time with Kat. She's going back home the second week of January which means I have about three weeks left with her. Rocky pulled into our driveway and I jumped out of the car before he even came to a stop. I could hear singing from outside the door so I unlocked it and walked to where it was coming from.

*Bought a beat up six string in a secondhand store
Didn't know how to play it but I knew for sure
That one guitar felt good in my hands.
Didn't take long to understand.

Just one guitar slung way down low
Was a one-way ticket only one way to go.
So I started rockin' ain't never gonna stop
Gotta keep on rockin'
Someday I'm gonna make it to the top and sing

I love rock n' roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
I love rock n' roll
So come an' take your time an' dance with me

In a town without a name in a heavy downpour
Thought I passed my own shadow by the backstage door.
Like a trip through the past to that day in the rain
And that one guitar made my whole life change.

An' we'll be movin' on an' singin' that same old song
Yeah with me, singin'

(I'm a Juke Box Hero)
So put another dime in the jukebox, baby
(I'm a Juke Box Hero)
So come an' take your time an' dance with me
(Juke Box Hero)
(Got stars in my eyes)
(I'm just a Juke Box Hero)

(Juke Box Hero)
I love rock n' roll
(Juke Box Hero)
So come an' take your time an' dance with me
(Juke Box Hero)
I love rock n' roll
(Juke Box Hero)
So come an' take your time an' dance with me
(Stars in my eyes)
I love rock n' roll*

I stood quietly as Kat and Riker were jumping around, singing and performing together. It looked like they had rehearsed the song and were on stage. It made me think of when I'm onstage performing, the look Kat had on her face. It's he best feeling in the world. She looked so natural and relaxed, it made me smile. I cleared my throat so they knew I was there. They both spun around so fast I'm surprised they didn't get whiplash.

"When did you get home?" Kat asked as she came and have me a hug. Riker pressed pause on the movie.
"About the start of your little performance," I giggled. She blushed. "Don't be embarrassed. You guys looked good." I put my arm around her shoulder.
"Thanks bro. Do you wanna join us?" Just then Rocky walked in and jumped on the couch spreading himself over the length of it.
"Rocky does," Kat laughed.
"What?" He looked confused.
"Nothing Rock," I told him.
"C'mon I wanna watch the movie," Kat pulled me into the living room and let go of my arm to sit on Rocky's stomach.
"Ugh!" He grunted.
"This couch is lumpy." She said wiggling around on top of him. Riker and I laughed and sat on my brother too.
"Ahhhh, help I'm being crushed by my fat brothers!" Rocky screamed trying to get us off of him.
"Kat's your brother?" I asked him.
"She weighs nothing. It's you two who are crushing me." Kat leant down and hugged Rocky but still didn't get off him.
"Press play," she said getting comfortable on his stomach.
"Really? You guys are just gonna stay on me?" He was still strong to lift his legs and get us to fall. We all stood up and let him out from under us. When we all sat down again he layed himself in all our laps, his head in Kat's lap. Riker pressed play on the movie again.

By the end of the movie, Kat and Rocky had fallen asleep. I looked at Riker and he knew what I was thinking. We went and grabbed some of Rydel's makeup to put on Rocky, and some markers to draw on Kat.

Rocky made one ugly girl and Kat didn't look too bad with a moustache and goatee. I'm surprised they hadn't woken up yet, well not with Rocky, he could sleep anywhere. I wanted to pose them and take embarrassing photos. We taped Rocky's face up and it looked so funny. I grabbed one of Mom's old wine bottles and put it in Kat's hand, since she was asleep it looked like she passed out from being drunk. We got another one where Kat and Rocky were hugging each other. I grabbed Rocky's hand and shoved it down his pants, me and Riker tried so hard to not laugh so loud, it was hilarious. After that we gave it a rest and I carried Kat up to my bed. I left the marker on her face so she'd have a surprise when she woke up.

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