Getting to know you

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"I wanna see you smiiile"
I rushed to grab my phone before they heard anymore of my embarrassing ringtone.
"Hey, mum. What's up?"
"What's up? Kat, it's 3am. Where are you?!"
"Sorry mum, we were invited backstage with the band and we've been hanging out with them for the past few hours. I guess we forgot to check the time."
"Honey, I was so worried about you. Come home now please?"
"Sure mum, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I love you"
"I love you too Kitty Kat. I'll see you soon."

"Hey, sorry guys that was my mum. She wants us home now. And we have an hour drive back so we need to go." I told the group
"Really, do you have to leave?" Ross looked pretty upset with this news.
"Yeah. Sorry. But it was great meeting and talking to you all." I quickly grabbed my things and got up
"I'll see you again won't I?"
"Uh, I don't know. You live in America and I'm here in Australia. I don't know how we can all see each other again,"

"We still have one last concert in Sydney and we're staying two weeks after that for a little vacation," Rydel said hearing mine and Ross' conversation from next to her.
"So you guys are coming back to Brisbane?"
"I'm not sure I guess we could. All I know is we're here for another two weeks. Sorry" she gave us a sympathetic look then turned back to her conversation with Riker.
"Can I at least get your number? So we can still talk?" Ross asks.
"Oh, yeah, of course." I say as if that's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Haha, I should've thought of that before. I can be so dumb sometimes. Give me your phone and I'll put it in"
"Here ya go."
I typed my number into his phone, took a selfie of me for the ID photo and sent a message from his phone to me so I had his number too.
"There you go," I said as I handed him back his phone. I grabbed mine and took a quick photo of Ross for the ID, "Ok, I have to go now. But I'll definitely talk to you later."
"I'll call you tomorrow and we'll talk."
"Sounds good. Night guys," we all said before leaving the dressing room and heading home.

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