Friends Again

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There is a week until Christmas. I'm so excited. My first of hopefully many, Christmas' with Ross. I've managed to find a few other little things to give people for Christmas, but nothing huge. Ryland and Maya have been pretty close theses past weeks. He's locked us out of the room quite a few times now, mostly for payback I think. I haven't seen much of Lucy though. I think she's a little shy having all of us around all the time. Emily and I have gotten pretty close even though she's a bit older than me, we get along really well.

After that whole kiss thing, I haven't had much to do with Riker. Whenever we do something as a group I purposely steer clear of him. Emily doesn't know about it she only knows that he liked me and I'm still a little cautious around him. Ross had some work to do with Rocky on writing a new song or something like that. Ryland, of course, was with Maya and Rydel and Ratliff had arranged a day out together and Mark and Stormie were at work. Which left me home alone with Riker. I didn't want to be stuck in Ross' room all day, so I changed into my bikini and headed down to the pool to swim some laps. I used to be a competitive swimmer, but I gave it up for football. I miss it sometimes so when I'm able to I take advantage of moments like this to swim.

I walked outside and saw Riker siting on a pool floatie, tanning. Being the annoying little shit that I am to my older brother, I decided to do to Riker what I'd do to Ben. I dropped my towel on the ground and ran at the pool, full speed. I didn't see the splash, but when I can back up, I saw a soaking wet Riker trying to see who did it to him. As soon as he saw me his face went from shock, to rage, to happy in an instant. He laughed and I joined in, pulling him into the water. He swam underneath me and sat me on top of his shoulders before coming back up to the surface.
"Aaah! What're you doing?" I giggled as I tried to balance myself on his shoulders. I lasted on there for about 10 seconds before I gave up and fell forwards into the water.

"You wanna play Marco Polo?" Riker asked me once I'd gotten my breath back.
"Ok. But you're it." I said as I swam in the other direction.
"1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9...10," he closed his eyes and spun around in the pool. "Marco?"
"Polo" I said before diving into the water and swimming right past his leg. Luckily I was able to hold my breath for a while and I spent most of my time swimming under the water so I didn't have to answer Polo. I quietly hopped out of the pool and tried walking around to the other side where Riker currently wasn't standing. I managed to step on a pool toy, which made some noise.
"Fish out of water!" He yelled opening his eyes. I stopped creeping and looked at him.
"Dam it! Ok I'm in." I said hoping back in the water. We played for a good 20 minutes before we got bored of it and just decided to swim around in peace.

"I'm surprised you're even talking to me right now," Riker said breaking the silence.
"Yeah I don't know. I think we both needed to keep away from each other for a while to cool off." I jumped up onto the pool floatie.
"That was probably a good idea. I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm sorry." He looked really sincere and honest. I sat there for a second, contemplating whether or not I should forgive him.
"I forgive you Riker," he looked surprised at me.
"Y-you do?" He asked.
"Should I not?"
"No, no. Heh, I was just kinda surprised. I thought I screwed our friendship up." He was rubbing his arm nervously.
"I don't give up on people that easy," I told him, giving him a little shove.
"I'm glad." He seemed a lot more relaxed. So I took my chance and lunged at him and pulled him down under the water. I let go once we had submerged, I didn't want to drown him.

He came back up and I saw that revenge look in his eye.
"Shit," I muttered before swimming in the opposite direction. I didn't get far when he grabbed my legs and pulled me back towards him. He grabbed me and lifted me up out of the water, throwing me as far as he could across the pool. I came back up and saw him pissing himself laughing. It took all of two seconds for me to get over him throwing me and join him. I looked at my hands and saw they were super wrinkly.
"Are you like a prune too?" Riker asked seeing me checking my hands out.
"Yeah. It's funny."
"You wanna hop out?"
"Yeah, as much as I love the water, I can only last so long in chlorine water. Haha"
"Yeah me too. Hey, you wanna play some Xbox?" He said after he'd pulled himself out of the pool.
"Depends on what game." I followed him out of the pool grabbing my towel.
"I only like zombies," I said drying myself off. He looked at me like I had two heads. "I don't know why I just like killing zombies."
"You're quite the unique person, Kat," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked inside.

I had my towel wrapped around me so I didn't get the chair wet. Riker out the game in and started it up. Somehow I was doing better than him at killing zombies. Must've been all the time of played with Ben.
"Ok. I give up. You win. Do you wanna play anything else?" He asked me.
"Not in particular. But I'll play whatever I guess,"
Riker went and looked through the games and found 'Just Dance 3'. He held it up to me to ask whether I'd play or not. I jumped in my seat and yelled, "Yes!"
He laughed at my reaction before putting the game in.

After the last song I looked at my watch. We'd been playing for about 2 hours! Times flies when you're having fun. I was so exhausted by now I just flopped on the lounge.
"Tired?" Riker asked sitting next to me.
"A little. I'm just done with games for now." I closed my eyes.
"You wanna watch a movie then?" My eyes shot open. I really wanted to watch 'Rock of Ages' for some reason. "I'll take that as a yes then?" Riker asked shuffling over to their DVD collection.
"Do you have 'Rock of Ages'?" I asked looking over some of the titles.
"Of course, my cousins in it." I looked at him puzzled. "Julianne Hough, she's my cousin."
"Really?" I had no clue.
"Yeah. You didn't know?"
"No, that's so cool. I love this movie."
"Me too." He answered.

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