Down and Dirty

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A/N: I've actually written a sex scene, so for those who don't want to read,


I just thought it was high time that I stopped avoiding them and wrote one instead of using insinuation. Enjoy 💙

As I got to the house I looked behind me and saw he was still trailing me, I turned back with a smirk, knowing I had that boy whipped.

As we were walking up the stairs, I was trying to stick my ass out and shake it around a little to tease him. When we'd made it to the bedroom I was done with the games. I'm not even sure I was playing them right, but I was tired of them. I just started stripping. The door wasn't even closed but I didn't seem to care. I don't think I'd ever been this drunk before.
"Kat?! What're you doing?!" He screeched.
"I'm getting changed into my swimmers. You wanna join me," I asked twirling my arms around in the air and shimmying a little.
"Kat...... you really should be thinking before you do something. You might regret it if you don't." He warned. I ignored his warning, walked past him and closed the door with my hips (which were completely bare). I saw the hunger in his eyes and walked slowly towards him.
"C'mon. You know you wanna. It's New Year's Eve. It'll be fun, we've both never done it on New Year's." I said trying to convince him.

Throughout my entire little 'show' he hadn't moved an inch. He was still standing in the middle of the room with his eyes wide in shock. And lust. That was until I closed the door and started to advance on him. He snapped from his daze and lunged at me also. His lips hungrily attacked mine while his hands wandered to my ass and clutched it tight. He broke the kiss for a second, "Jump," he instructed. I complied and wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked backwards slowly to the bed.

He startled himself when his legs eventually hit the bed, and he broke the kiss to look down at his legs. A second later he looked back up and I jumped off and bounced onto the bed. He smiled a gorgeous yet sexy smile before he climbed over the top of me, resuming our actions from not a moment earlier.

Since I was laying there completely naked I felt that I needed to make it even, so I started clumsily attacking the buttons on his shirt. I got that off in no time and moved right down to his jeans. I have no clue why he was wearing skinny jeans, they made it so hard to get them off but we managed.

My lips had roamed from his lips to his neck and were trailing kisses down his body. I realised in that moment that I may have him whipped, but he has me whipped too. I'd do anything for this man because I love him. I reached his pants area and pulled my lips away, taking his briefs in my teeth and pulling them down.
"Feisty one, aren't you?" He commented on my actions. I just shrugged and slowly moved back up to his lips. God I love kissing those lips!

I had one hand wrapped in his tangled mess of blonde hair, while my other went down and felt for 'him'. I tried to be gentle and not surprise him with my touch all of a sudden. As soon as I knew my hand had reached its destination, I broke the kiss, moving to a better position to what I had planned to do. He watched me in excitement as I pumped my hands up and down his member, making him throw his head back in delight at the pleasure he was receiving.

I went until he came. All. over. my. hands.

I had completely forgotten that's what guys do. I was just so focused on trying to do it right that I forgot about what happens afterwards. I grabbed a tissue from the box next to his bed and wiped my hands off.
"You don't like that, huh?" He asked me as I aimed the tissue at the bin.
"I know some girls do, but I'm not one of them. I thinks it's just weird." He chuckled a deep and sexy laugh before leaning in and smashing our lips together once again.

He was hovered over me kissing me passionately when I felt something cold in my lap. It startled me and I looked down to see he had his hand over me, not doing anything, just sitting there. I raised my eyebrows at him wondering what he was thinking.
"You did a little something for me. Now it's time that I return the favour," he grinned. As much fun as that would be, I just wanted the real thing.
"No," I said as I moved his hand away. "Forget that and let's go straight to the main event," I giggled and winked at him.

He scrambled to get into position over the top of me. I felt him at my entrance, just poking me, making sure I was ready for what was next.

He slowly but surely entered me, and I hadn't felt this good since the first time I had ever had sex. (Even though it was only a few weeks ago and it hurt like a bitch at first. Once that pain went away, I was left with the most euphoric feeling I had ever experienced)

He looked down at me to make sure he wasn't hurting me and I let out a small snicker.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine," I assured him. His eyes grew hungrier as he started to thrust. Slow and calm at first but gradually becoming harder and faster. I started to thrust peacefully underneath him as well as I tried to reach my high.
"Faster! Faster!" I cried and he responded. Moving his hips faster, pounding into me harder. I could feel that I was close, and by the look on his face, he was too. So I took control and flipped us. He was shocked to say the least. But it didn't last long until his hands were on my hips guiding me as I rode him for a change. I kept an even pace as he laid there and moaned my name.
"Ugh, Kat!" A smile grew on my lips and I started to thrust faster as well.
"Oh yeah baby. Just like that." he managed to get out through heavy breathing.

I was trying so hard not to let too much noise escape me, that I didn't realise he had taken control again and had gotten back on top.
"Give it to me," I demanded and he went hard and fast until I felt it. My back arched and I let out a high pitched moan as my entire body tingled. Not two seconds after I had come back down to earth, I noticed he had finished as well and was riding it out.

He pulled out and collapsed next to me, both of us breathing heavily. He draped his arm around my waist and pulled me in tight. As if we hadn't just been close enough. I laid there hot and sweaty wanting to get my breath back so I could speak again, but he beat me to it.
"That swim sounds really good right about now." I laughed.
"C'mon then. And let's get our swimmers on." I stood up and offered my hand to him. He reached out and grabbed it, but when I went to pull and help him get up, he pulled and made me fall back onto the bed.
"Hey, I wanna go swimming now," I protested.
"I do too. But I just want a few more minutes, to be alone with you." He sat behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed and gave in, resting the back of my head against his chest. A few minutes passed by and we were back to breathing normally.

"Ok that's enough. You know what time it is?" I asked.
"Adventure time?" He half heartedly asked back.
"Swimming time!" I released myself from his grip and went for my suitcase.

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