Just Pick One

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"I don't think asking him on a date in front of my brothers is the best idea," Rydel whispered to me. We were walking to a restaurant near the hotel for lunch and we were at the back of the group so the other couldn't hear us.
"Because they all like you. And you like all of them too,"
"All of your brothers? Really? They all like me?" I was seriously sceptical about that.
"Yeah all of them. So asking El on a date in front of them would be like saying, I choose him. Bad luck to the rest of you."
"Who says I like your brothers?"
"You don't?" She was really surprised by that.
"Yeah, ok. Maybe I do. But I mean, they ARE the hottie Lynch boys."
"I'd be a little more excited about that with you if they weren't my brothers."

"Hahahahahahahaha. Sorry. So asking El in front of them kills any chance I have with any of them. Ok. So I ask him when we're alone."
"Yeah, uh. When are you two gonna be alone?"
"Shit. I don't know. Maybe on the way to lunch I could ask to speak with him alone and ask him out then?" I was half asking half stating.
"That might work."
We high fived.

"Given the choice which one of my brothers would you pick anyway?" She's really good at changing the subject.
"I don't know Del. They all seem so awesome."
"Yeah I know, but say someone said you have to choose or they'll all be killed?"
"Wow. Creepy much?"
"Just answer. Puh-leeeeeeaaaaaaassse??"
"Ok. Uh, just give me a second."
She nodded. I really did need to think about this.

Rikers cute , optimistic, he's always smiling and he has that oldest brother 'leader of the pack' thing going on.
Rocky' hot, funny, an amazing guitar player and he writes most of their music because he's sooo talented.
Ross' hot and cute, he can play so many instruments and he can dance so well. His voice, when he sings, is angelic and he's so nice and sweet to me
Ryland's super cute. There's only one year between us and he's super nice to me. He's a great DJ and he's not in the spotlight as mush as the others. I get a little stage fright, so being with Ryland would mean not so much publicity.

I don't know they're all so amazing!! Rydel is still staring at me I have to make a decision..........

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