Future Talk

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Ross' P.O.V.

I woke up having to pee really bad. I looked at the clock and saw it was 6:30, on my birthday. There was no say I was gonna get back to sleep now. I'm going to be tired all day. My birthday.

I looked down at Kat sleeping in my arms. She was so cute and peaceful. I didn't want to get up and wake her. I slowly got my arms free and quietly walked to the bathroom.

When I walked back into the room Kat and Ryland were still sound asleep.
"Shhh baby girl. C'mon mummy needs some sleep," she sleep talked.
"I'm trying my best honey, but Daddy Rossy left us and I haven't slept in a few days. So I need you to sleep." Was she dreaming that we had a daughter? And that I left her alone to raise her? Why would she dream about that? I hopped back into bed to be more comfortable for this horror show going on in front of me.
"What will make you be quiet and go to sleep? What if I sing to you? Will that get you to shut up? How about I sing one of your no good Daddy's songs, huh? This ones my favourite
You've got them all hypnotised
Draggin' them round by the eyes
They're lined up shoulder to shoulder
Like dominoes you keep..... Knocking..... Over*" she mumbled the last part going quiet again.
"Shh, shh, shh. Sweet dreams my little angel. I love you."

I can't believe that she's dreaming this. I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling, just thinking. Why would this even come across her mind? Did she really think I could ever leave her, especially if we had a child together?

"Mmmmmm," I heard someone mumble bringing me to my senses again. I looked over at Ry and he hadn't moved, so I turned my head and saw Kat's eyes open staring at me.
"Morning handsome," she said in her cute raspy morning voice.
"Good morning gorgeous," I said back. She was so cute and innocent looking, which made it so hard to think about what she'd just been dreaming about.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Huh?" I grumbled.
"What's wrong your face is all scrunched up. Like you're thinking really hard about something. And it doesn't look like something good."
"Nothing's wrong." I smiled. She raised her eyebrows in an 'I don't believe you' way. "You were just sleep talking. That's all."
"I was? What did I say this time?" She blushed. She told me she used to do this and she's said some pretty embarrassing stuff before. Looks like that's continued.
"You were telling a baby girl to be quiet because you needed to sleep." She looked looked excited to hear the rest, but I didn't want to tell her.
"Then you said that you were trying your best but I had abandoned you two." Now I was upset and speaking even quieter. Her face fell and she was upset now too.
"Ross. You know it wasn't real." She said trying to cheer me up.
"I know it wasn't. But I just couldn't help but feel hurt that you'd even dream it was a possibility. For you to dream about it, you must've had that thought before."
"I haven't Ross. I swear. It was just a dream. You can't control them. I once dreamt I was a freaking unicorn spy who could go invisible hear people's thoughts, and I can tell you I had never thought about that." I sighed.
"Maybe you didn't think of it consciously."

"You're really upset that I had a dream you left me?"
"I am. I'm worried you think that might even be a slight possibility."
"Sometimes I wonder who the girl in this relationship is," she giggled quietly.
"This isn't funny. And it's you, I'm just the more romantic one."
"Ok. No, it's not funny. But it's nothing to worry about either."
"So you never worried that I'd leave you. Never had that thought?" I asked.
"Well yeah, but that's just normal girl paranoia." I just shook my head and wrapped my arms around her tighter.
"Have you ever thought that I'd do that to you?" She asked. It took a second for me to get what she meant.
"To be honest, I have. I know it's only been three weeks, but it's been the best three weeks I've ever had. And I have had thoughts like 'what if she wakes up one day and realises she doesn't like the person next to her?'"

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