Phone Home

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"It's New Year's Eve! Woohoo! Woohoo! Uh huh! Oh yeah!" I heard from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and cleaned my suitcase up once again. I definitely have an organisation problem.
"Hey, babe. Guess what?" Ross asked, running into the room.
"What?" I asked sarcastically since I knew the answer.
"It's New Year's Eve!" He picked me up and swung me around in a bear hug. I was screaming in delight.
"Are you that excited to drink?" I asked once he put me down and calmed down enough.
"It's not just that, but the fact that we get to party. I love our New Years parties. All our family and friends come here and we have a great time celebrating together," he told me. I smiled at how family oriented he his. I loved that in him since that's what I value the most as well.
"So are you looking forward to tonight?" He asked taking me from my thoughts.
"Yeah, I am. I haven't 'partied' since Ben's birthday in March."

I recalled the party. Mum and Dad decided to let him have a big party on our property out of town. We had set up tents so people could stay the night, and not have to drive home. By 10 everyone was wasted and there were people all over the place making out and most of the tents were shaking. I had had a few drinks that night and remember making out with quite a few guys, most of them from Ben's year, but obviously I knew when to say no. It was a pretty good night until we had to clean up the morning after and Jason and Charlie were running around screaming hurting our heads from our hangovers.

"Well, you're gonna 'party' tonight." Ross shook my hips and I giggled at his goofyness.
"We're gonna party," I tried to sound sexy, not sure if it worked. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. I think it worked.
"We're gonna party till we're purple!" He yelled.
"Ooo, I love being purple!" I yelled back. We both laughed so hard until we couldn't stand anymore and fell on the bed.
"Aaaaah," Ross sighed. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling and cuddling.
"I'm guessing I'm not going to see you for much longer until tonight cause Del's gonna come and take you to get ready with the girls?" He asked turning his head to look at me.
"That sounds about right. Heh. I love her, but she can be so energetic and excitable," I answered.
"And you can't be?" He questioned. I laughed realising how much Del and I have in common in the way of our personality.
"You're right. Maybe it's just hard to have someone so similar around so much. I'll get used to it."

Right then someone knocked on the door. We sighed thinking it was Del. I got up to answer and was a little surprised to see Stormie there.
"Hey Stormie, what's up?" I asked. Her face wasn't happy like usual. "Is something wrong?"
"Kind of honey. Your mother just called me." I was a little confused. Why would mum call Stormie? If she needed to tell me something, she could just call me.
"What'd she say?" I asked.
"She told me that Jason and Charlie have come down with a bad case of pneumonia and your father was called to the mines for the next 6 months." She paused to let the information sink in.
"She needs you to come back home to help her with your brothers. Ben's doing all he can for now, but he's starts his university course earlier than originally thought." She solemnly told me. I couldn't believe my baby brothers were sick, and my dad was called to the mines for so long. Usually it was three months on and one and a half months off.

"Did she say when she needed me back?" I managed to get out.
"Well she knows about the party and how much you're probably looking forward to it, so she said it'd be ok if you spent a few more days, then head home. I'm sorry sweetie, but we've loved having you here. And you still have a few days left with us. But anytime you want to come back, we'll always be here for you." She opened her arms wide and I was swallowed into a warm motherly embrace.
"Thank you Stormie. You really are a second Mum to me." We pulled away and she kissed my cheek before walking away and closing the door behind her. I stood there just staring at the door.
"Kat?" I heard behind me. I turned slowly and saw a sad Ross behind me. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. No one died or anything. I just have to go home earlier than expected." I wrapped my arms around him for a comforting embrace that I craved at this particular moment.
"I'm sorry Kat."
"It's not your fault Ross. It's just an unfortunate thing that's happened."
"I know, but now I only have at max, three days left, seeing you everyday. In person." I looked into his eyes and saw them start to get watery.
"Don't cry Blondie." I brushed my hands through his hair to try and calm him. "Let's just enjoy tonight and worry about that tomorrow. Huh?" He wiped his eyes dry.
"Come here," I pulled him in for a hug again.

"Oh, Kat!" Del screeched from the other side of the door. "You two better be decent, cause I'm coming in!" Ross and I didn't even move, we stayed in each other's arms as she came into the room.
"Don't mention anything to anyone. I don't wanna ruin their night," I whispered into his ear before we pulled apart and looked at Delly.
"Is something up?" She asks getting a little wary of us.
"No. No. Everything's fine." Ross rushed out.
"Ok then." She said slowly, not really believing us but going along with it.
"So......... Kat, you wanna come get ready for tonight?"
"Yep. Just let me grab my clothes and I'll be with you," I said with a smile.
"Sweet. See ya in a minute Sis," she skipped out of the room.
"You gonna be ok?" Ross asked me.
"Yep. Let's just not think about it. Ok?" I tried to reassure him. He nodded his head and leaned down slowly and kissed me so passionately. It felt as if he was putting his whole self into the kiss. Like this was the last kiss we were ever going to share together. The kiss ended and I smiled at him, not wanting to leave his presence. But I had to if I wanted to look hot tonight.

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