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Ryland came home at around 11:30 after his date being kinda loud. Luckily Ross and I were still awake at that time, and fully clothed.
"S'up guys?" He said taking his shirt of and getting into his PJ's.
"Keep it down Ry, everyone else is asleep," Ross whispered to him from across the room.
"Oh come on. I bet you guys were being loud not too long ago," he raised his eyebrows. I pulled the blanket up around the rest of my body.
"So what did you think of Maya?" I asked sitting up.
"Kat, you are a genius. She's amazing! That picture I saw of her didn't do her justice. She's so beautiful, funny, smart and loves sport, we have so much in common." He had that love struck look on his face which made Ross and I giggle.
"So you're gonna go out again?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're going to go see a movie next Friday."

"Yay me'" I clapped my hands real fast.
"Really Kat? London Tipton?" Ross sceptically asked.
"What? You know how much I love disney." I clumsily wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He smiled and put his arms around my waist while kissing me.
"Guys! I'm still here" Ryland whisper yelled. I could feel Ross smile into the kiss before pulling away.
"We know. We aren't allowed to just kiss in front of you?" He asked his brother. Ryland just rolled his eyes and hopped into his bed.
"Whatever night guys. And keep it down if you do anything," he told us rolling over. I looked at Ross, rolled my eyes and got comfortable in bed again. I fell asleep happy in his arms.

When I woke up, I was alone in the bed. There was a note on Ross' pillow addressed to me:

Hey babe,

The guys, Del and I had a studio session I completely forgot about today. There's popcorn and candy in the pantry so you can have a movie day, I know how much you like your movies. Have fun today, I'll see you tonight.

I love you puppy 💛.

Ok. So I was going to be alone all day. That movie marathon sounds sooo good. Buuuut... I have a better idea. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

Half an hour later, I was waiting outside the house for Lucy to pick me up. It took her about 10 minutes to show up at the door in an awesome red convertible.
"Hey Luc," I said hopping in the car.
"S'up Kat?" She smiled, pulling out of the driveway.
"So we're headed to the beach, right?" She asked getting in the highway.
"Yes please. I haven't been to the beach in like, a week." We giggled. "So how've things been going with you and Rocky?" I asked winking at her.
"Things have been great. I think I'm falling for him."
"OMG! That's amazing Luc! Do you think he is too?"
"Yeah," she said sighing.
"Can you believe that the two of us are dating Lynch's?" I half squealed.
"Y'know if you'd told me I'd be dating Rocky Lynch a year ago, I would've said you were crazy."
"Same here. It's like a dream come true."

The rest of the ride to the beach we were singing along to the radio, with the top down and the wind blowing through our hair. We pulled into a parking spot and hopped out into the beautiful Californian sun. We found a spot on the beach and set up our towels. I put on my sunscreen, and laid down on my towel, enjoying the warm sunny day.

After 20 minutes of relaxing silence Lucy and I decided to go into the water. It was so refreshing and cool. Every time I'm in the ocean, I can't help but think of the little mermaid, and pretend to be an actual mermaid. I think Lucy picked up on what I was doing and joined in with me diving and splashing in the water.

I was swimming around under the water when I ran into someone. I thought it was Lucy so I came back up to see someone I'd never met before.
"Sorry," I apologised to the girl in front of me.
"It's ok. It's hard to see clearly underwater." She sweetly said to me. "I'm Emily," she held her hand out to me.
"Hey, I'm Kat." I shook her hand.
"Is that an Australian accent?" She asked.
"Yeah. I'm an Aussie." I shyly confessed.
"That's so cool. I've never actually met an Australian before."
"Well now you can say you have," we laughed.
"Are you with your boyfriend or something?" She asked.
"No I'm here with my friend Lucy." I pointed over to where I'd left Lucy.
"Oh that's cool," she looked from Lucy to me, then down at her feet.
"Who are you here with?" I didn't see anyone else around.
"I'm in my own. My boyfriend just broke up with me last week and I needed to get out of the house."
"Do you wanna come hang with us? I totally get it if you don't want to. But if you do we'd love to hang," I smiled.
"Are you sure. You barely know me."
"That's why we hang out gurl. To get to know each other."

"Thank you." She told me before I started heading back to Lucy with Emily following behind me.
"Uh, Kat? Who's this?" Lucy asked me once we'd reached her.
"This is Emily. Her boyfriend broke up with her last week and she's here alone. I thought it'd nice for her to hang out with some new friends."
"Ok. Hey Emily, I'm Lucy." she said shaking her hand. "I was just about to go back up on the beach to tan a bit more. Do you guys wanna join me?" I shrugged and said yes. Emily went to grab her stuff to join us.

"So why'd your boyfriend break up with you?" Lucy asked once we got settled.
"Lucy!" I scolded her.
"What? I'm curious."
"It's ok. It was a mutual thing. We realised that there was no future for us." Emily told us.
"At least it was mutual." I concluded. She pulled he phone out of her bag and I saw her phone case. It had the R5 logo on it.
"Are you a fan of R5?" I asked getting Lucy to notice the case too.
"Are you kidding? They're amazing. I'm totally in love with Riker." I gave Lucy a cheeky smirk, knowing she was thinking what I was. I grabbed my phone and showed her a photo of me and Ross kissing.
"OMG!! Why are you kissing Ross?!" She was so excited.
"Because he's my boyfriend." I told her. "And Lucy's dating Rocky," Lucy gave her a little wave.
"You guys are dating Ross and Rocky?!! you are so lucky. And I'm lucky that I even met the girls that are dating them. Holy hell. This is the best thing ever!"
She was like a little puppy who just got a new toy.
"Do you wanna come back with us this afternoon, we're hanging out at their house tonight. Once they get back from the studio."

Her mouth dropped open.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes?" I asked. She screamed and jumped at us, pulling us into a vice-grip hug.
"This really is the best day of my life. And I think I've just made some amazing new friends.

Emily is R5girl4life. She's been helping me heaps with my story and I an so thankful. This ones for you Em 💙

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