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Ross' P.O.V.

For the entire first week we've been here, Ryland and Kat have been all lovey dovey together. It's disgusting. I try and avoid them, if I can I try and sit as far away from when we eat, or drive or even hang out. I just can't handle it! I screwed up so bad and now I can't make things right. I have to go another week of this bullshit. I love my brother, but I can't handle seeing him with the girl of my dreams.

I was pacing in my room waiting for my family to get back from shopping. I hadn't felt like going so I stayed here to thing and stress alone. I heard noise coming from Mom, Dad and Rylands room next door. "That's weird," I thought to myself. "They shouldn't be back for another hour?" I pressed my ear to the wall to try and get a better sound. There was rustling and banging going on. I had to see what was going on in there in case someone had broken in and was trying to steal.

I had a spare key to the room, so I grabbed that before heading out and waking to their hotel room door. I stopped for a second to see if the noises were still going on. Yep. So I opened the door and what I saw shocked me beyond what I thought I could be at this point.

There in the room was Ryland and....

Sorry about the short chapter. I just wanted to leave it at a cliffhanger. Please comment, vote and follow me. I love hearing feedback, it makes me work harder to do better

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