No Good Deed

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Kat's P.O.V.

I heard Rydel screaming from her bedroom in our shared hotel room. I couldn't quite understand what she was saying, but she was mad at someone.

Rydel and I had snuck Ratliff into my room so that we could have a little date and no one else would know about it and be hurt. That's what we told him to keep it a secret anyway. We had a laptop set up on a chair at the end of my bed and we were watching '21 jump street'. I loved this movie. I had seen it so many times, I was speaking along with it.
"Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier!" I yelled along with the character. I was specifically trying to be annoying doing this. Not many people I know can stand much of talking during the movie.

I turned to look at El and he wasn't smiling at growing he was just sitting there.
"Stop fucking with Korean Jesus. He busy. With Korean shit!" I laughed kinda loud, that was my favourite part. El giggled but I could tell he wasn't really into it.

"What's wrong El?" I turned to get a better look at his face.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just watching the movie," he said with a half smile.
"Ok. Now I know something's up. Tell me, please?" I said putting my hand on his arm.
"I just kinda feel a bit funny here," he gestures to my room.
"What do you mean," I was faking cluelessness right now. I knew what he meant.
"I mean, as pretty and smart and funny as you are, I just feel like this is a mistake," he genuinely looked upset about giving me this news. "I'm sorry Kat."

Here come the acting skills.
"It's ok El, I mean this is a first date. I wanted to know if you liked me more than a friend and this just proves that you don't." I didn't think tears were necessary but I was being overly dramatically sad.
"Kat, I'm sorry. I thought I did like you, but I guess hanging out alone with you just isn't what I thought it would be. I thought that it'd be better than when me and Del hang..." he turned away from me. Now who was being dramatic.
"You and Del? Do you have feelings for Rydel?"
I was onto something here.
"I don't wanna talk about this with you. It's not right."
"If you have feeling for Del, I understand. You two have known each other for years. I'm just someone you met a few days ago."
He opened his mouth to speak then closed it again
"You're way better of with her than me anyway. You guys are the same age, I'm 6 years younger. You guys get along so well and you know so much about each other, it actually kinda scary."
"Haha." He just chuckled.
"So do you like her?" I questioned him. I'm finally getting to the heart and soul of this plan.
"I do."

"Seriously?!" I said excitedly.
"Yeah," he had a small smile creeping on his face.
"Then go tell her!" I screamed.
"No. What if she doesn't like me back? I would've just made things awkward for us which would hurt the band."
"I have a feeling she does," I said.
"Do you know for a fact?" He was so eager. I couldn't let him know I knew she actually did like him. Then I would look like a total bitch for going on this date with him.
"No I don't know for certain. But I have noticed her looking at you a certain way and other things like that. I'm pretty sure she likes you and I did kinda feel bad about asking you out if she does, in fact, like you,"
"Really. You've seen those things. Cause I know girls can pick up on when another girl is into a guy."
"Hahaha. It's one of our talents. And yes. So go! Tell her! Make Rydellington real," I urged him.
"Thank you soo much. You are an amazing friend. I'm glad we didn't ruin the friendship with what could've been a very awkward relationship," he giggled at the end. I picked up one of my pillows and threw it at him
"Go! Now!" I said with a smile.
And with that he left the room to go get the girl.

I could hear him and Delly talking from outside the door, Istill couldn't make out what was being said, but Rydel screamed and I heard her yelling yes. So I'm guessing all went according to plan. Just as I was about to go back to my room and finish the movie I heard the front door open. I turned to find a messy looking Ross.

"Hey what're you doing here?" I asked.
"Is Delly here? I need to talk to her," he said really quickly.
"Uh, yeah. She's in her room with Ratliff."
"What're they doing?" He was seriously surprised and he had the cutest look on his face when he was confused.
"I think he just asked her to be his girlfriend? I heard her scream and then yell yes, so I think it went well."
"Wait. Ratliff and Rydel?"
"Ah ya, dude, Rydellington? Come one"
"No but I thought that there was something between you two?"
"What why would you think that?" Now it was my turn to be confused.
"Because I heard you ask him out yesterday. At the restaurant."

Shit. He had heard what we were saying.
"Yeah. It didn't go well I helped him realise that he loved Rydel and then that happened," I pointed to Rydel's room.
"So you don't like him?"
"I was doing Del a favour and showing him that he didn't really like me. It worked."
His face lit up, his smile was huge and his eyes were sparkling. Just then he rushed up to me, grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. Our lips met and I felt fireworks. I thought people made that up, but I literally felt like there were fireworks going off around us, and butterfly's in my stomach, and this warm feeling right in my chest.

We pulled away after about a minute. He looked down at me with so much warmth in his eyes.
"Wow," was all I could say
"I know. Me too," he pressed his forehead against mine and we just stood there smiling like idiots at each other.

Just then Del's door opened and her and Ratliff walked out, arms around each other, giggling.
"Oh hey Ross. What's happening here?" She looked at him, then me, then him again.
"I think I just got an amazing girlfriend." He looked at me expectantly. I nodded my head.
"Oh my gosh! So you told her about what happened and she's fine with it?" I looked at Rydel, so confused right now.
"What happened Rydel?"
"Oh shit. Um, oh. I thought he told you. I'm sorry."
"Told me what?"
"That's something for him to say," she looked sad, dissapointed and mad all at the same time.

"Ross what happened?"
"We'll leave you two alone," Rydel said before pulling El back into her room.
"Ross what happened," I repeated with a little more anger evident in my voice.
"I got mad that you asked Ratliff out. So I went to the gym to try and work out the anger. When that didn't work I went for a walk and stopped at a park. There was this girl, we talked. And an hour later I was at her place." he sounded so ashamed of himself.
I could feel tears in my eyes.
"What did you do there?"
"Ross! What happened?!"
"I slept with her" hearing those words sent me over the edge. The tears were coming out and all I wanted to do was punch him.

I didn't say anything I just pushed past him towards the door.
"Kat I was upset. I wasn't thinki..."
I didn't hear the rest, I'd slammed the door. I didn't know where to go. I was here alone with the lynches and I wanted to seriously hurt one of them. Rydel was busy and back in the room HE was in. So I found myself outside Ryland, Stormie and Mark's room. I knocked on the door and to my luck Ryland answered it. He could tell I was upset

"Hey what happened Kat?" He said pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest for a few seconds until he pulled me inside and sat me on the bed with him.
"Kat, what happened? What's wrong?" He was stroking my back trying to make me feel better.
"Ross... slept... with.... another.... girl..." I lost it again. Ryland just pulled me in tighter, he kissed the top of my head. He pulled away to check on me right before he smashed his lips into mine..........

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