Rocky's Girl

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Kat's P.O.V.

The past few days have been amazing! Ross has been so sweet. I still felt funny about my birthday. I'm going to be 17 and I've never been away from my parents and other brothers for my birthday. I don't even know if Ross remembers it. I told him before all the 'sleeping with a random chick, Ryland cheating on me, us getting back together' stuff. I know Ben remembers but it's not like he can plan anything for me in a country he doesn't know. Should I bring it up again with Ross? Or see if he can remember? Ugh! I don't know. Maybe I should just forget about it until I get back home.

Just then I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey gorgeous. What're you thinking so hard about?" He asked in that sexy voice of his.
"Nothing. Just random stuff, haha" I answered.
"Random stuff like your birthday tomorrow?"
"Wha? I didn't think you'd remember,"
"Of course I'd remember something as important as that about my girl" he spun me around and kissed me cheek. He remembered! That's all I needed to make it a good birthday.

"Yeah, well. It's just a birthday."
"Just a birthday? You're one year closer to being able to drink. One year closer to finishing high school, and one year closer to being able to move out here with me," he pulled me close into his chest. I loved being this close to him, feeling his muscles, smelling his scent. It was a place I felt secure.
"That's all still a little while away." I said still huddled close to his chest.
"I still wanna do something for you. What do you wanna do anything, anything you want." I pulled away but I was still in his arms.
"Maybe just a nice dinner with you and your family?" That was all I could think of that would be do-able in a short amount of time.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah, it'd be nice just something small. With you."
"Then dinner it is," he kissed my forehead before going off to find his mum.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch to read a book. I think I'd been there all of 5 minutes when Rocky and this really cute girl walked in giggling and holding hands. When they saw me their smiles fell and they let go of each other's hands.
"Hey Rock, what's happening?" I asked him before he got a chance to leave the room with this new girl.
"Nothing much. Just hanging out."
The girl seemed kinda shy. I thought I'd introduce myself to her. I stood up and said, "Hey, my name's Kat. It's nice to meet you."
She smiled and seemed to warm up to me a little.
"Hi, I'm Lucy." She had an Aussie accent like me.
"Oh my gosh! You're Aussie." I loved being here in Cali, but it was so nice to hear a similar accent. Made me feel a little less homesick.
"Yeah. I've lived here for about a year but I didn't want to lose my accent. Haha."

Rocky was just standing there watching us. He seemed a little dumbfounded.
"So what're you doing all the way out here?" I asked her.
"I wanted to get out of home and California seemed to be calling to me." She looked at Rocky when she said that. We both laughed while Rocky looked on confused. I turned to him.
"How'd you guys meet?" I asked him.
"Oh, y'know. I was just hanging out at the beach skateboarding when I almost ran her over." He looked at her guiltily.
"Well that's a way to impress a girl." I told him.
"Yeah. She jumped out of the way, and I fell of my board trying to swerve to miss her. She came over to make sure I was ok." The way he looked at her, was so cute. He was trying to hide his feelings but I saw them as clear as day.

"So are you two together?" I raised my eyebrows.
"No, no. We.. W-We're just, um." He tried to say.
"Yes," she answered. "But please don't tell anyone. He wants to keep it a secret. He's afraid they'll judge him for some reason."
"What. Why?"
"I was just wanting to keep it on the DL until you went home. I just thought it a little weird that both Ross and I found girls at the same time, and I didn't want to take away from your trip here."
"Aaaw, Rocky. You're so sweet." I hugged him. Lucy cleared her throat.
"Sorry, Luce. Can I call you that?"
"Haha. Sure." I hugged her too.
"I have a feeling you and I are going to be good friends." I said to her.

Hey guys. Thanks for all the reads and comments. But pleeeeeaaaaasssseee continue 💙. So I can continue writing for you 😉.
Rocky's girl Lucy is summersun2234 . So I hope you like the story gurl 😘.

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