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Chapter 29 : SURPRISE.

"Byee!!" They bid goodbye to Aizzle, who is now looking sad, her friends to go.

"So, now what?" Khay asked after turn away from Aizzle."Now what?" Isya asked back.

"You know what, I think we must make some surprise for her if she come back home." (2NE1 there.) Fadzie said to them.

"Yeahh.Me too, but now lets just walk to home.I feel like Im already miss her." Khay put her hands in the pocket and start walking faster.They chuckled.


When Lyana decided to go to her bedroom because she wanna sleep early, they just let it be.

Then, she saw a bouquet of purple flowers on the bed.She smiled, remembering the day he gave her the flower.

She sigh after pick up the flowers.But then she notice some purple card too.She took it and a note wrote there..

Hey.I hope you don't mind having a date with me.After the trip? Bye :).

-Your cute boyfriend.

She chuckled on the last words.She then realized the note.

Having a date with him after the trip?

Lyana quickly called him when the note wrote after the trip.Luckily, he pick it up after 3th ring.


[Lyana.Who is this?]

[Lyana..I thought you..]

[What? Im what?]

[I thought you mad at me after the day at the beach.Yeahh, you know it just a simple surprise until you don't want to..]

[Date with you? You know what, Im sorry to say this.Why you choosed purple card? It same with the flowers.So, I didn't notice it.]

[Ahh, so you saw it already.]

[So, you wanna date..with m-me?]

[Hehe.If you not busy.]

[Oh, Im not.Kajaa!]


Lyana waited for Chanyeol.10 minutes already flew away.Since its night, she scared to find him here.

She try to put her hands in the pocket but cut off by a backhug.Lyana looked behind, a man with a mask.

She wanted to shout help!, another cut off by him.But, now he opens the mask.After that he knew, she pokes his head.


"Ouchh!" I rub my precious head.Her hand is small but still hurt if she pokes me.I push her softly like a angry ahjumma.

She just chuckled then smirked.Ohh, please.Suddenly, she hugged me.I always love the way she hug me.

But then I heard her sobbing.I gasped.I held her face to make her look at me.Now, I saw her nose red with her cheeks goes red too.

"Why are you crying, babe?" I feel curious when I asking her that.She want to say something with her tears still going down.

"I..I..because I d-didn't no..*sniff* tice the c-card." She was crying like a cute baby.Aww.I sweep her tears with my thumb and smile.I start to tease her to make her happy on our date.


"And?" He asked again.I push him and he just chuckled.Whats wrong with him? Im serious!

"I-I know you w-waited for me, right?" I felt curious too on my question.What if he do that? It so sad you know!

"No.Im not." He shook his head to the left and right.Not? Ouh.I suddenly feel ashamed.

"Really?" He just raised his eyesbrows mean yes.I rub my own tears with my sleeves but he hug me like I hug him earlier.

"I love the way you cared about me.Thanks Mimie.Im lying on you.I waited but I realized the card is purple.Im stupid, I know.So, I just go."

"No, you're not stupid.Yes.I cared about you so much because I don't want to losing you.Hope you feel the same."

He just uhmed on my answer.I smiled when he get the hug tighter.But, I want to live, so I push him slowly before I lose my breath.He chuckled again.

He dragged me to sit on the bench near us.We started to chatting about everything happened today.


"So, you're going to her house?" Lyana nodded and smiled at him cutely.

"You know, Kai got worried to much if Justin hurt Aizzle.Ergh, that boy." Lyana giggled at how Kai cared over Aizzle like she cared over Chanyeol.

"Just tell him she's be okay."

"Okay." He winks at Lyana make her looked away, don't want Chanyeol saw her blush.

"Are you blushing, babe?" Again, Lyana blush even harder when Chanyeol called her that on 2nd times today.

"Aww.Don't be~" Chanyeol shake her hand that on her lap.


Aigoo.This guy.I mean he's my boyfriend but I still fangirling like a crazy woman right now.

I think my blush already missing so I look at him proudly.He still not leaving his hand that on my hand.

"Look.Im not blushing." While showing my cheeks with my index finger on my other hand.

"But before I know you were blushing." He suddenly touch my cheek with his hand, slowly rub it.This thing got awkward for ME, but him, smiled and just rubbing my cheek even more.

"C-Chanyeol.." I called his name for no reason.I think I just shut up for awhile.He replied..

"Mimie, I think Im ready for this.Look.Im not awkward at all.Its okay, say it if you don't really like it, ara?"

His words make me stop.But then I realized that he already leaning closer to me.

Like Im saying, I stop mean I froze there.I can't even move a little but my cheeks goes pink.

Chanyeol, I think Im ready too.

More closer, closer and closer.

Like you thinking..

He kiss me,

On the lips.





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