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Chapter 35 : LAST CHAPTER.

2 months already flew away.Rozy make their new comeback with a new song called 'U happy?' .Its not a slow song like their song, 'Leave me' before.The song is more crazy and they will be like the duo group, GD x Taeyang.

Today is another day for they to performs their new song.Its was SM's concert again but this time more craziest than before.

The concert make Rozy more confident because they already performed at anywhere.

Well, at the backstage, there were five of them and Iffah was there too since Aizzle like to meet her again today.

The concert will begin at 8 night and Khay, Fadzie, Aizzle and Iffah will see them clearly because they will stand infront of the stage.

While they talking to each other, they didn't realized that a group of boys already there.

"Oh, hye!" Isya said while waving at them happily.

They were EXO.

"Hye~!" They greeted back.

"Oh! Iffah!! Hahahaha!" Baekhyun laughed after saw Iffah there too and she just blush like the girl in EXO Next Door.

"Bogoshipeoyo~!" Baekhyun wide his hands, wanted to hug her but Xiumin just blocked him make the others just laugh.Baekhyun pouted and look at her more, found out her red-cheeked was cute.

"Are you guys already perform?" Lyana felt curious and asked.

"Yeah." Lay said and lay on the chair.

"So, who is the next group?" Isya asked them while other girls go back to their place silently.

"I think.. you guys." Suho answered after he drank his water bottle.

Rozy's members shock and quickly prepare theirselves for their performance after this.

And yeah, like they saying, Rozy make theirselves to the stage, together.

Since its dark so they only can see a numerous light-sticks everywhere.

The music started loudly make all fangirls and fanboys go wild than before.

Lyana go to the left side while Isya at the opposite side.They clap their hands first before singing.


U happy? Or not?
Maybe it just what I think.
But really,
U happy? Or not?
Lets talk about it!


Its you,
Make me happy,
Everyday and


Lets go,
Be happy!
Like crazy!
Like what we want!

Like what we want!!

Don't mind!


Just kick away all your problem,
Don't take it serious like its so confirm,
And what we want is..!!




Lets go,
Be happy!
Like crazy!
Like what we want!

Like what we want!

Don't mind about..!




U happy? Or not?
Lets just have,

And they sing all their parts together and dancing like crazy.

* * * * *

They walk to the backstage and panting heavily while drinking more than 5 bottles because they were jumping too much on the stage.

"Wahh!!" Someone yell make them look behind.They try to smiled but she just reply with a smile too.

"I know you guys so tired now, right?" They nodded on Sunny's words.

"Unnie, are already perform?" Lyana said while let out a breath and drink again.

"No.But, I want to asked, you guys still have another stage right?"

And they nodded quickly.

They will make another song when all the groups are on the stage together.

The song that they will sing was Titanium by David Guetta.

Since they were a duo group, the other groups wanted to know if they can do the best at the end of the concert.

They just take the challenge.

After about 45 minutes, it was the time to their second stage and like what they planned, all the groups appeared behind the backstage and the people shout more louder.

They started their song, Titanium.

You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say.
Im talking loud,
Not saying much.

* * SKIP * *

They bid goodbye to everyone in the concert while singing Run to you for the last song for the concert.

But, its different when Isya and Lyana bid goodbye.They were doing that with a big smile, happy and surprise on their face.

They not expecting all of this to happened in their life and they think their friends think the same too.

A simple girls can do anything.

Anything they want.

"Everything are changed now heh? Thanks God.Thanks everyone.We will never forget everything that happened this year in our life,"

"...Again, thank you from SwaggyC's members."

♛--♛--♛ END LAST CHAP. ♛--♛--♛




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