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The texts went on.

"I swear, I'll help you, until you can face it, but PLEASE don't take him back! He's just going to hurt you again!"

"Why aren't you answering me? I guess he won't let you or something. Stupid fucking asshole. I hate him."

"Fine. I guess I'll wait for you to get in touch with me then. IF he allows you to." There were more, but I stopped reading them.

Colby was pissed but he had never been in love. Not real love. He didn't understand.

It hurt way more to let Will go, than it did to accept what had happened with Laura. Yeah, it had felt like my heart was ripped to shreds when I saw them together, but it felt like someone had physically reached inside of me and yanked my heart completely out, leaving a painful, sucking hole behind, when I broke up with him. I couldn't handle it.

Plus, I mean, he was the only one who wanted me.

What if I did manage to let him go, to force him from my life, then ended up being alone for the rest of my life? I didn't want that. I would rather be with him and his faults, than to face the fact that I wasn't good enough for anyone else.

Besides, Will never told me who I could or couldn't be friends with. I might not hang out with them much, but that was just because either they were busy or I was busy. With me not being in school anymore, and having to grow up fast, there wasn't much time to just hang out and be young.

Being a waitress, I had to save every little bit of extra money that I had. God, I had to go to work tonight. It was the first time that I was happy about them giving me night shift this week, because I hadn't even thought about it at all.

I checked the time and saw that I still had a couple of hours before I had to go in. I should probably text Colby back before I went to take a shower though. Ugh.

He was going to be pissed, no matter what I said. Better to just get it over with, I guess.

"Hey Colby. Will doesn't keep me from texting you or anyone. I just took a nap, because the hangover was kicking my ass. We aren't back together yet, but honestly, I'll probably tell him that I forgive him tomorrow. When I get home from work. I love him, Colby. I know you don't like him, for whatever reason, but everyone makes mistakes. I have to at least try. I've been with him for over a year now. I can't just throw that away. I hope you understand. I'll call you tomorrow. Love ya." I hit send, then got up and went to my room to get my clothes.

Will was still asleep on my bed. I dug through my drawers for my socks and underwear, then went to my closet and grabbed my uniform. I hated this stupid thing.

Black slacks, with a striped black and white button up collar shirt, and black loafers. It had to be the ugliest thing in existence. Not to mention the ugly ass visor with the restaurant logo on the front to top the outfit off.

"Hey." Will said, groggily.

I looked behind me and saw him stretching his arms above his head.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I have to go in to work tonight. They moved me from second to third shift, this week. It should go back to normal next week though." I replied.

"Don't you want to call in? Spend a little more time together?" He asked, smiling suggestively.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Not if we want lights this month. Someone has to pay the bills." I replied.

When I saw his eyes narrow a little, I knew that I had said the wrong thing.

"Callie, you know that I've been looking for a job. No one is hiring right now. I even tried to go to work with Dad. His boss doesn't even have any houses right now." He said. "I know I'm a piece of shit. You don't have to remind me."

I sighed and went to sit next to him. "You're not a piece of shit, Will. You'll find something. I know it. Until then, I have to go to work." I replied, before I kissed him on the cheek and stood up. "And I can't go in looking like a greasy haired hobo, if I wanna make those tips."

He grabbed me around the waist, making me squeal, then pulled me down onto his lap. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're gonna make me late." I murmured.

"Just one kiss?" He asked.

I nodded gently, and slowly pressed my lips to his. That warm feeling that I had been missing spread throughout my body, starting at our joined lips, and going all the way down to my toes. His fingers pressed into my thigh for a moment, before I pulled back.

"Okay, I really need to go take a shower, babe. I can't be late." I giggled.

He smiled and let me go. When I stood up, I felt a sharp sting across my ass and yelped.

"Will!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"I couldn't help it!" He replied, holding back a smile. "It was just there and it looked so inviting."

"Whatever." I laughed. "Okay, I'll be out in a few."

I made my way to the shower, with a smile on my face. Maybe I could put this behind us. I felt like I could.

This didn't have to change anything. I thought about the situation, during my shower, and finally made a decision, while I was getting dressed. Normally, I would've gotten dressed in my room, but I really didn't have time to have sex and I knew that's where it would lead, if I walked in that room, wearing nothing but a towel.

I was going to let him know that I was willing to try and make our relationship work. I knew that it was going to be a hard thing to put behind me, but I knew that I wanted him, more than I wanted to hold a grudge. Besides, nothing like this would happen again.

We would grow and learn from this, and come back stronger than ever. I just knew it.

Colby would have to accept it. I really hoped he did, because I didn't want anything to come between us. He really was the closest friend that I had right then.

After I dried off and put my clothes on, I made my way back to my room to finish my hair and makeup. Will wasn't in there anymore, so I assumed that he was in the living room, or somewhere.

Since I knew that I was going to be sweating a lot, I only put on the basics. Light powder coverage, eyeliner, mascara, and a light lip gloss.

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