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"Well, he's saying that he's going to press charges for threats and all that. You know he's a pussy." She laughed. "Who knows if he'll actually try to do it though. If he does, I'll tell Bryon to delay the paperwork. It'll never fly anyway. Not after everything he has said to you. It'll be like he's defending you or something, probably."

"I'm not sure if that's the way it works. I told Colby not to say anything threatening to him, for that very reason...I didn't think that he did." I said, drearily.

My amazing mood had quickly plummeted. Fucking Will.

"Oh, he definitely said something, but it was through text. Will posted a snapshot of it. It was only what Colby said though, and nothing from himself. You know he's gonna try to play the victim." She said.

I could practically see her lip curling up in distaste.

Hold on...texts?

"Texts?" I asked, in confusion.

I racked my hazy memory to see if I had known about that, but I was coming up empty.

"I didn't know that they spoke through texts. Oh God, what did I miss?"

"A lot, from the looks of it. Colby really laid into him. I laughed my ass off, for real. I'm totally assless now." She chuckled.

I finally understood what the word flabbergasted meant, because that's what I was right then. I couldn't laugh, I couldn't speak. My mind was too busy going over everything, trying to figure out how either of them could've gotten the others number.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I murmured.

"Some bullshit, it seems." Denise replied.

"Yeah." I agreed, halfheartedly.

"Look, it's no big deal. You know that Will always starts shit, if he thinks you're too happy. Colby won't be here that long, and then it'll be over. You can go back to ignoring Will." She insisted.

I knew she was trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't going to work. Everything always seemed to get fucked up because of me, and now I had brought it into Colby's life.

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes to the sky.

"Why does this always fucking happen?"

"Because you were tricked into being with a narcissistic prick." Denise replied. "He'll eventually stop. Either he'll do it on his own, or I'm gonna ignore you and kick his ass. Problem solved, one way or another."

I was silent for a minute, then shook my head. "I guess I better let you go, so that I can figure out what is happening. Tell Ben I love him and he can call me any time he wants. Love you, Necee."

"Love you, bitch. Don't worry so much about that prick. Colby can handle himself. Okay?" She replied.

"Yeah." I responded, not really meaning it.

How was I supposed to not worry over this bullshit? Will had slandered me on Facebook, yet again, so that everyone would see it. I would be the talk of the town for the next month.

All I wanted to do was live a life where everyone stayed the FUCK out of my business.

"I'll talk to you later." I spoke into the phone, before I disconnected.

I knew Ben was asleep, but I wanted to send him a text to wake up to. I opened my texts and started to press Ben's name.

Before I did, I noticed that there was a text from Will. I hadn't known that he had sent another one. He had finally stopped texting me all that hateful stuff, when I ignored him, or so I had thought.

It was timestamped from a few hours ago. I clicked the text, already expecting the worst, and started to read.

"FUCK YOU! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND CALLIE! I treated her like a queen and all I got in return was a bunch of rumors spread about me and an 'I don't love you anymore.' You think you're so much better than me, but you're still this dorky little bitch that wants a girl he can't have. Maybe she'll let you hit it now. Just remember, when you're buried inside of her, that I was there first! Take my sloppy seconds, you little fuck! You have money now, and that's all she ever wanted, so maybe you'll have a chance. Callie will always be mine, no matter what. You go ahead and have your fun. Just know, when you're gone, she'll come back to me. She always does. She is the mother of my child, so I'll talk to her if I want. You have NO SAY in the matter, so FUCK OFF! COME AT ME YOU LITTLE BITCH, BECAUSE I WILL FUCK YOU UP!" Bile rose in my throat, as I read the disgusting words.

Why would he be texting Colby on my phone, though? I scrolled up, and what I saw had me in shock. Colby had texted him from my phone.

When?! That meant that he had went through my phone, without me knowing, and read my texts. MY personal texts!

What the fuck?! That wasn't okay at all! Anger flooded through me, as I remembered Will taking my phone and going through everything I had.

I always let him, because I had nothing to hide. He never let me have his, though, unless he had a minute to delete any incriminating evidence. I wouldn't allow anyone to do that to me again.

Colby had no right to go through my shit! My hands started to shake, with my anger.

I jumped to my feet and headed towards the motel room. I knocked on the door, so they would open it. When they finally did, Colby stood there, shirtless and so fucking delicious looking, I think I started to drool.

No, Callie, now isn't the time!

"Hey gorgeous- wait, are you okay? What happened?" His face went from smiling to suspicious and worried in less than a second.

"You went through my phone." I blurted out, holding my phone up.

He bit his lip and looked away for a few seconds, guiltily.

"Oh...that. Callie, I can explain." He replied, as he stepped outside onto the concrete.

I shook my head rapidly.

"No. You had no right, Colby! None! Let me in. I need to change. Denise is coming to get me." I lied.

She would though. I just had to text her.

"No, please don't go, Callie!" He exclaimed, as he grabbed my arms, gently.

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked, yanking my arms away from him.

I knew that I shouldn't be quite as angry as I was, but all of my frustrations were building up into this one moment. After last night, I was way too fragile and emotional for this.

I told him about the lies, the stealing, the acting like he could do whatever he wanted, no matter what I said.

"I asked you to just forget about it. You promised that you wouldn't make it worse. You lied to me, and you went through my personal stuff. I don't need an explanation. I just need to leave. Now, let me in the room."

"Callie, please let me explain. I was going to tell you when you came back to the room. I swear! I didn't mean to look at the texts, but when I saw them, I just couldn't let him get away with talking to you like that!"

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