193 Colby's POV

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A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while. I'm still working on healing my wrist and things have just been crazy busy. I've been kind of slacking on my writing and just concentrating on life. I had a little time today, so I thought I would update you on my life and the story lol Enjoy!

"Still not right," I muttered, as I looked in the mirror. I had been trying to figure out what to wear to Callie's house, ever since she called and invited us to dinner. I mean, I was already dressed to go out to eat at some fast food place, in my sweatpants, but I wasn't gonna show up at her place like that. Not with her mom around. So, I was trying to find the right outfit. One that wasn't too dressed up, but I also didn't want to show up looking homeless. This was just Callie. Not like she use to be the love of my life or anything.

I went through every outfit that I had brought with me, until I finally decided on my torn red flannel over a black tank top, paired with my white jeans. It really shouldn't work together, but it did. I already had on my thin cross chain and my silver Figaro bracelet , so I slid on my rings and my shoes, then checked to see if Sam was ready. He was sitting at the little table next to the window, swiping through his phone. 

"Bro, are you ready to go?" I asked, as I checked my phone for the time. It had only been 20 minutes since I had talked to Callie, but if I wanted any time before she served dinner, then we needed to hurry and get there. Sam looked up at me and arched his eyebrow. "Dude, I've been ready. I was ready before you talked to Callie. You're the one that decided your fit wasn't okay." I rolled my eyes to try and cover the blush that I felt rising in my cheeks. "Let's go then, before we're late," I replied.

I was excited to go to Callie's, where she was cooking dinner for us, but I was also getting so freaking nervous. Like, the closer I drove, the more I started to fidget. "Can you stop tapping the steering wheel?" Sam groaned. "It's getting annoying." "Sorry," I sighed, as I gripped the steering wheel. "You need to calm down, dude. We're just going to hang out with Callie and her family. We've already done that a couple of times. Well, not with her mom and brothers, but with her and Ben. It's not like you're going on a date," he laughed. "Shut up," I muttered, only causing him to laugh louder.

When we finally pulled into her yard, I parked behind her old little Kia Soul that I had seen at Ben's party. It was cute, but it looked like a Matchbox car to me. 

"Here we are," Sam said, looking out the windshield at her house. "This place could use some work." "Yeah, but don't say anything about it, in front of her," I replied, taking in the peeling paint and the ragged wood at the edge of the home. Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I would never do that, Colby. What kind of person do you think I am?" 

"Yeah, I know. Just saying," I murmured, as I opened my door and got out. I sent Callie a quick text, to let her know that we were here, before we started walking towards the front door. Before we reached it, the door swung open, and a blonde streak zoomed out to meet us. 

"WHOA!" Sam exclaimed, as the blonde bullet barreled into him. "I can't believe you're at my house!" Ben yelled, when he finally let go of Sam. I grinned at the excitement in the kid's face. He really did adore my best friend. "Yeah, buddy, I told you that I'd see you soon, didn't I?" Sam asked, as he ruffled Ben's hair. 

The kid grinned, like it was Christmas morning or something. "Come on!" he said, pulling on Sam's sleeve. "Mom has dinner ready and it smells so good! You're gonna love it!

"Hey Ben," I laughed, reminding the him that I was there too. I didn't have any jealousy or anything about it. I was glad that others saw how amazing Sam was. It made me feel good to see it. Besides, the kid picked an amazing role model, other than his Mom. 

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