184 Colby's POV

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It took me a minute to realize that my fingers were throbbing with how tightly my fists were balled. My breathing was coming in quick, sharp breaths, while I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

"I'm going to KILL YOU!" I yelled at my phone.

Two seconds later, Sam popped his head through the open door.

"Bro, you good?" He asked, with concern on his face.

I nodded, then shook my head.

"No, Sam. No, I'm not. I'm gonna go to prison, because I'm going to kill this mother fucker. If I don't go to prison, it's going to be because no one could find his body." I seethed.

"Whoa, dude, calm down! I haven't seen you this worked up in a long time. Let me get Katrina off the phone." He replied, quietly.

He ducked back out, but I heard the words 'Colby' and 'gonna murder' as clear as day.

I was ready to comment, when he walked back inside the room and closed the door.

"So, what's got you so pissed? It wouldn't have anything to do with Callie's ex, would it? You already got into one argument with her about butting in, Colby. I wouldn't push it, if I were you." He said, as he sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Really, Sam?" I asked, skeptically. "If you saw Katrina's ex talking shit about her like this." I shoved the laptop towards him. "You would just let it slide? You would let him go on this complete bullshit tirade and let people think these things about her?" I asked, as my anger continued to climb.

Sam whistled in between his teeth.

"Damn, that's harsh. He's a prick. I get what you're saying and no, I probably wouldn't let it slide. I'm just saying that Callie already told you how she felt about this stuff. You're not dating her, Colby. You're not going to be here to help her fight this battle. When you leave, she's on her own again, just like it seems she always has been. She has to deal with this stuff and it's up to her on how she deals with it." He replied, sensibly.

"You know, I really don't like you right now. You don't have to remind me that I'm not dating her. I know that. I'm pissed, Sam. Can't you just be pissed with me and be on my side?" I muttered, as I yanked my laptop back. "I'm not staying silent. Fuck this. Denise is already on here cussing him out, so what does it matter? Callie will have Denise in her corner when I leave. That girl is fierce and doesn't take any shit, from what I've seen and heard."

I saw him shake his head and shrug, out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't care. I had made up my mind. This prick wasn't going to get away with this.

"You're right." He said, surprising me.

"What?" I asked, looking back up at him. "Right about what?"

"About taking up for her." He replied. "I would do it too. Hell, maybe I will. He went too far. Callie is a good person, and she doesn't deserve that. I don't know what she went through with him, but it seems like you do. It seems like he's probably a narcissistic asshole. So, I say go for it. She'll forgive you, if she gets upset. She never could hold a grudge, from what I remember."

I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out if I was hearing him right. "You're serious?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yup. Go for it. Fuck him up."

"I was gonna do that anyway, but thanks for the backup, man. I appreciate it." I replied, grinning at him.

I started typing, as fast as I could. Probably faster than I ever had. I read through what i had already typed and nodded in approval.

"Maybe once everyone sees how you talk to her, they won't believe you're such a great guy. Anyone in their right mind, can see how much of a total dick you are though. You're gonna get what's coming to you, Will. I've been waiting for this day for years. Name a time and place, and we'll get this sorted out, you fucking bitch boy." I ended it with that, then posted it.

I knew he would probably come back with some bullshit. Probably speaking like he was a badass, when in reality, he was just all talk.

Unless he thought he was up against someone weaker than him. Like Callie. I didn't think she was weaker than him. Not at all.

But I could tell that she thought she was. She had changed from the girl that I had once known. She had never been that outspoken, but if she felt it was really important, she could be.

She had always done almost whatever anyone asked of her, because she liked to help others. She was a people pleaser. He knew that and used it to his advantage, exactly the way her family used to.

Well, not exactly the same, because he had been far worse. I still couldn't get over the fact that he had...I didn't even want to think about it.

My hands started shaking again, as the thought of what he had done to her, forced upon her, crossed my mind again. Yep, I was definitely gonna get some satisfaction before I left this town.

I could already imagine his nose cracking under my knuckles. Pure music to my ears.

I hadn't been involved in any social media drama in years, because I couldn't afford to be. Not to mention, it was usually stupid, trivial, bullshit that I had outgrown.

I hated seeing all of it on Twitter, within our fandom, all the time.

It was usually things that didn't have to turn out that way.

If the so-called issues had been talked about maturely, instead of everyone rushing to 'protect' one another or just argue, then the drama wouldn't have even been an issue.

I was beginning to think that most of them enjoyed the chance at bullying one another though. That seemed to be the big takeaway from it. The slightest thing could be turned into an all-out Twitter war.

This though. This thing that I was now involved in, on Facebook, of all sites...this was going to be fun. All of my pent up frustrations, from the past to the present, were about to be unleashed on this fool.

I didn't even care if my followers got wind of it. If I was going to fight, then it was going to be for something important, like protecting my friend, when it didn't seem like she could protect herself.

Just like I thought, it didn't take long for him to come back at me. I was ready. On and on we went, Will, Denise and I.

His little friends tried to join in, but Denise and I shot them down quickly. They didn't know her. They had no right to talk about her.

"She is better than you. It's not an act." I replied to one of them. "If you're friends with this abusive prick, then you're no better than he is. That makes you a piece of shit, too. Now fuck off, before I promise you the same thing that's coming to him."

It was enjoyable when Denise would comment on my replies, laughing and encouraging me. I was really taking a liking to this girl. Callie had finally made a friend who maybe deserved her friendship.

Unlike that bitch Katherine.

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