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"I know, I know." He mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Stop talking." I demanded. "It's not okay, and I'm not dealing with it. I don't want to break up." I watched his sad eyes get a glimmer of hope in them. "But, we will if you don't learn how to control yourself. If the liquor caused you to act that way, then you don't need to drink it anymore. I refuse to be around you, if you do. Okay?" He nodded, but didn't speak. "Okay...well," My mind was blank now, the millions of things that I wanted to say just gone. "I guess that's it. It's all I can remember right now. Wait!" I remembered one more thing. "You can't treat my friends like shit either. I had last night handled. I know it upset you and I don't blame you for that, but I had it. Colby," His eyes flashed and his jaw clenched when I said his name this time.  "Colby is my friend. We talked things over last night, and he knows that he can't do that again. He knows that I don't feel that way about him, and that I love you. He had his reasons for believing that I might feel the same way for him, but I set him straight and he understands. Can you accept our friendship? Because, I won't be told who I can and can't hang out with."

Will shook his head, frustration written all over his face. "See, no, that's a double standard. I can't hang out with my friends that are girls, but you can hang out with Colby? That's not right."

"I never said that you couldn't hang out with your friends!" I exclaimed.

Although the thought of him doing so, punched me in the gut. I didn't trust him around other females anymore.

"Yeah, but I knew it would bother you. After what happened with Laura, ya know? I did it out of respect." He replied.

I couldn't help it. I laughed.

"Respect?!" I exclaimed, shaking my head. "Showing me respect is treating me like I mean something to you! If you think that something is going to happen, or you're attracted to the girl, and that's why you don't hang out with her, that's RESPECT! Not talking to me and looking at me like I'm the lowest scum of the Earth!"

Rage filled up inside of me again, and I could do nothing to stop it. I wanted to stop. Needed too, even.

I just couldn't.

"You know what my Momma used to tell me? Because, we have so many alcoholics in my family. 'Drunk words are sober thoughts."

"That's bullshit!" He practically yelled. "I don't even remember half of last night. All I remember is being angry because it felt like you were choosing Colby over me! I blacked out, Callie! I swear that I didn't mean anything that I said. I barely even remember what I said. I just know that I was a dick...and I do respect you! I do everything for you, just because I love you. I clean your room, wash your clothes, clean the house, and even cook dinner. I bring you your plate, for fuck's sake! I DIDN'T MEAN TO ACT LIKE THAT LAST NIGHT!"

I felt the automatic reaction that my body had towards people yelling. It was inevitable.

I started to shut down, the anger leaving my body.

"Okay. Yes, you do those things, Will. I never asked you to, though. I work and I bring in the money, so it's kind of your job to do some of that. Just to put in your share, so to speak."

I heard him sigh, angrily, but he didn't say anything. I was glad.

"There's something else that I want to talk about, as well." I added.

"Oh God." He groaned, and rolled his eyes. "What?"

"My bill money." I replied, quietly, hating to even bring it up.

"I told you that I don't know what happened to it, Callie!" He exclaimed, narrowing his eyes.

"I know, I know." I replied, nodding my head. "I'm not saying you did. I don't believe that you did, but someone did. It didn't just disappear. That means that someone was in our room, going through my things. So, I don't really want anyone here, when I'm not here. Is that okay with you?"

I already knew it wasn't by the look in his eyes. "No. Not at all. I can't have my friends over? Just because you're not here? That's not cool! I thought this was my home, too." He replied.

"It is, Will. It's our home, but I can't have people digging around in my room. Who knows what might go missing next? Please?" I begged him.

I didn't want to argue about this, but I didn't know what else to do. He held my gaze for a moment, not speaking.

Then he sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Fine. How about if I have anyone over, we'll stay outside? Does that work for you?"

Compromise. Okay. I could deal with that.

I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Yes, that works. Thank you. I'm sorry, Will, I just don't know what else to do about it." I sighed.

"So, we're okay now?" He asked. "We're through with this?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we're good. It's over and done with."

He smiled back, stood, and walked over to my chair. I looked up at him, smiling. His hazel eyes were soft, his lips begging to be kissed, and his reddish blonde brown hair flipped forwards, as he leaned down towards me.

I lifted my face and waited for his kiss. When his lips connected to mine, warmth flooded my body, and I relaxed. Just a kiss from him could make it all go away.

He pulled back, then sat on the arm of my chair.

"You're off today, right?" He asked.

"Yes, thank God." I replied. "I don't even want to think of the place right now."

"Okay, then don't. Let's go do something. Just the two of us." He answered.

"Like what?" I asked, furrowing my brow. "There's nothing to do around here."

"Sure there is. Go change into your bathing suit, and throw your jeans on over it. Make sure you wear your sneakers too. I'm pretty sure your sandals or flip flops won't be a good idea for what I have in mind." He said.

"Okaaaaay." I replied, drawing out the word in confusion.

I was excited though. I couldn't remember the last time that we had done something together, just the two of us.

I ran to my room, stripped my clothes off, and pulled my tankini out of my top drawer.

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